Tag: advocacy

Taking a Stand!

In 1974 the Lau v. Nichols Supreme Court decision stated: “There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities,...

A Revised Composing Process

Remember during a test when you were staring at the ceiling in elementary school, and the teacher asked you if the answer was on...


With the celebration of la fête nationale, or Bastille Day, as it is generally referred to in English, on July 14th, in many towns...

The Change We Need to Make

Research done in the last 40 years confirms the power of providing “a rich supply of storybooks,” otherwise known as fiction. Studies consistently show...

Language at the Intersection

“Each year, JNCL-NCLIS delegates and dedicated language advocates across the country unite to meet with Members of Congress and promote the importance of language...

Building on 40 Years of Language Advocacy

On Feb. 3–5, 2021, advocates from all over the U.S. will gather virtually to celebrate 40 years of the Joint National Committee on Languages...

Post COVID-19 Advocacy

This spring, our personal and professional lives were complicated by the unknown. We learned about flexibility and new routines. Some of us still feel...

OELA Reorganization Set for January

A slew of educational advocacy organizations, including TESOL, the Center for Applied Linguistics, American Federation of Teachers, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents, Joint...

Save Fulbright-Hays International Research/Training Funds

The draft FY2018 appropriations bill of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor-H) would eliminate the Fulbright-Hays program...
Language Magazine