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WIDA Response

HomeFeaturesSave Fulbright-Hays International Research/Training Funds

Save Fulbright-Hays International Research/Training Funds

The draft FY2018 appropriations bill of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor-H) would eliminate the Fulbright-Hays program in the Department of Education. Currently funded at $7 million, the Fulbright-Hays Program – a Fulbright Program funded by a Congressional appropriation to the U.S. Department of Education – awards grants to individual U.S. K-14 pre-teachers, teachers and administrators, pre-doctoral students and postdoctoral faculty, as well as to U.S. institutions and organizations. Funding supports research and training efforts overseas, which focus on non-Western foreign languages and area studies.

The full appropriations committee will mark up the subcommittee draft tomorrow, at which point Representative David Price (D-NC-4) will offer an amendment to restore full funding to Fulbright-Hays. In the meantime, we need advocates to write their Members of Congress to request full funding for the program.

The National Humanities Alliance has put together an action alert for Fulbright-Hays.


Please take a minute to write to your Members of Congress to voice opposition to the elimination of Fulbright-Hays. 

This request is for URGENT action. The House Appropriations Committee will mark up the Labor-H subcommittee draft tomorrow, July 19.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your Member of Congress is on the House Appropriations Committee, please contact Maria Pulcini for specific information on how to advocate for Fulbright-Hays with that office. Your voice is especially important at this stage in the appropriations process.

 Additional tips:

  1. Consider calling your Representative’s Washington DC office. Identify yourself as a constituent, state your concern, and make your request. Find out who your Representative is by entering your zip code in the top-right corner of www.house.gov. This will also give you the phone number of their DC office.
  2. Contact your Representative through the contact form on their website. Most Representatives’ websites will follow the format of “www(dot)[MemberLastName](dot)house(dot)gov. Ex: Rep. Jared Polis’ website is www.polis.house.gov. OR repeat the steps in tip 1 and you’ll find the website.
  3. Facebook or Tweet at your Representative. Nearly all 435 Members of Congress are on Twitter. Find their Twitter handle on a search engine, or by accessing their website as outlined above and locating the Twitter icon. NOTE: Facebook now allows you to contact your legislators directly through its Town Hall feature! It is fast, easy, and effective. Here’s how to use it.
  4. Share this alert with your network of fellow language advocates!


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