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Reading Resources

A selection of materials to inspire your students

World of Reading
For over 30 years, World of Reading has offered hundreds of readers in a variety of languages—from Albanian to Vietnamese—from publishers worldwide. They have readers for preschool- and elementary school–aged children, middle school, high school, college, and even modern and classic adult fiction.

They offer bilingual readers as well as readers only in the target language in both affordable paperback and durable hardback editions. Some of the readers include glossaries and/or activities for vocabulary, reading comprehension, and even extension activities. Other readers offer workbooks for additional activities and/or teacher guides. Some series offer graded levels of readers, with increasing vocabulary and complexity in the higher levels. Many readers offer downloadable audio, so students can hear the books read aloud. Some may cover certain themes or topics related to science, math, or technology, great for immersion programs.
Whether you are looking for readers for a beginner level, intermediate, or advanced, translations or authentic literature, World of Reading has you covered. You want engaging readers that will motivate your students. Let World of Reading help you find the best readers for YOUR needs.

Crabtree Publishing
New Reading Collections for Every Stage of Development

Crabtree Publishing has been a trusted source for pre-K–9+ curriculum books and resources for over 44 years. Each resource blends accuracy, immediacy, and eye-catching illustration with the goal of inspiring nothing less than a lifelong interest in reading and learning in children.

Beautifully illustrated books and educational resources on curriculum subjects including animals, cultures, life and physical sciences, geography, history, mathematics, digital technology, social–emotional learning, and biographies highlight Crabtree’s extensive collections. Colorful and entertaining fiction has also become a strong part of Crabtree’s product line for young readers.

Eight new imprint lines feature early and emergent reading titles to support the pre-K–3 curriculum. Leveled fiction, first chapter books, and high-interest reading are among Crabtree’s new collections that support classroom and independent reading. The Sunshine Picture Books, Blossoms Beginning Readers, and Leaves Chapter Books imprints feature new illustrated fiction to help build reading skills and support comprehension at each stage of development. Each entertaining series in these collections engages young students with colorful illustrations and relatable characters. Simple text helps readers build confidence while they practice their reading skills. Included in every book is a page for caregivers and teachers that suggests reading and writing prompts to help aid in reading comprehension. Books are also available in Spanish as well as e-book and read-along formats.

To learn more about Crabtree’s new reading imprints, visit

Fathom Reads
Fathom Reads is an interactive read-along platform designed to supplement and support core learning in a variety of languages with differentiated instruction. The assistive reading technology helps beginning and struggling readers in English as well as English learners and world language learners. 

The books flip back and forth between up to ten languages with a click. Each language has native narration (no computer voices). Students may read just in English, go back and forth between English and another language, or use a bilingual feature to select a primary language with assistive technology and a static secondary language visible on the same page. The read-along can be slowed down or sped up. Highlighting options include none, word, fragment, fragment and word, sentence, and sentence and word. Individual words may be clicked to hear pronunciation.

Content from award-winning publishers supports core-subject learning for K–8. Subjects include science, social studies, math, language arts, and high interest. Books may be selected from the library by filtering by language, grade, and subject matter or by keywords.
Subscription plans meet your needs and budget: family, classroom, school, and multischool licenses are available. Select the books you need and the length of time. Take a test drive today.

Scholastic Magazines+
Scholastic Magazines+ provides content-rich curriculum resources with real-world content that reflects students’ diverse experiences, identities, and abilities. Magazines+ delivers fresh, high-interest content to pre-K–12 classrooms throughout the school year—in print, online, or both. Digital resources, Spanish articles, and instruction support multilingual learners and Spanish speakers across the grades. Also available are Scholastic World Language Magazines—designed to immerse students in the language and cultures of Spanish- and French-speaking countries, building vocabulary and comprehension skills with high-interest articles on pop culture, traditions, and teen life abroad. Robust digital resources include a Language Lab, videos, and audio that allow students to watch and listen to native speakers modeling conversations. Full transcripts and activities are provided.
Scholastic Digital Solutions
Scholastic’s digital solutions put all students on a trajectory of success—in school and beyond—by offering equitable instruction available anytime, anywhere, on any device. With award-winning personalized learning programs designed to build foundational reading and vocabulary skills, promote voluminous reading, and provide classroom management support, teachers are provided robust data to inform and differentiate instruction by skill, level, and interest. Choice-driven programs support independent and instructional reading across the content areas for all children, transforming the way students learn to read and love to read.

Scholastic Modes in Focus
Leading writing experts Ruth Culham and Libby Jachles provide literature and lessons for narrative, informational, and opinion writing. Modes in Focus is designed to support educators and students in grades K–6 with ready-to-use lessons, mentor texts, teaching tools, and more. Each grade-level kit includes six mentor texts and is supported by its own teaching guide tailored to the needs, abilities, and interests of students. Culham and Jachles take the next step in writing instruction by linking mentor texts to the modes of writing and providing model lessons that get students writing immediately and enthusiastically.

Since its founding in 2010, Tools4Reading has focused on developing practical tools and training opportunities to bridge the gap between the science of reading and classroom practice. The company’s resources are grounded in research and easy to implement and improve literacy instruction. 

Known internationally for its Sound Wall Solutions™, created to help bridge the gap between understanding sound walls and practically implementing them in the classroom, Tools4Reading offers a variety of classroom resources that help teachers quickly implement sound walls into daily classroom reading instruction.

One of those resources is Kid Lips™, a helpful tool for teaching phonetics: how sounds are produced, how they are perceived, and their physical aspects. Picture cards of children’s mouths are used to teach and show the correct placement of the tongue, teeth, and lips when producing the target phoneme.

Kid Lips is included in the Sound Walls Starter Pack, which includes:
A 100-page instructional guide with 41 user-friendly lessons. Each lesson is about ten minutes in length and includes tips for instruction.
A 47-card set of phoneme/grapheme cards. Card fronts show the most common patterns for reading and spelling; backs are blank.
Free shipping on all orders shipped within the contiguous US.

Okapi Educational Publishing
Okapi Educational Publishing™ provides flexible literacy solutions built on best-practice instructions for grades K–5. Currently in use nationwide in a range of programs and a variety of instructional settings, their engaging materials empower each student to take responsibility for their literacy and language growth, producing powerful results. Okapi’s stellar lineup of programs includes the award-winning Flying Start to Literacy™ and Despegando hacia la lectura™. Paired texts—one fiction and one informational—are linked by their common use of content vocabulary and the same big idea. WorldWise: Content-Based Learning™ and ExploraMundos™ provide engaging content that is fully aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and C3 Social Studies Outcomes for each grade.
Okapi’s four flagship programs provide title-for-title equity in English and Spanish, making them ideal for dual-language instruction. All four programs are included in Okapi Digital Literacy™, a digital platform with over 1,100 books offering digital access and teacher support for every title.

Channel the latest research into a dynamic instructional tool for emerging bilinguals with Biliteracy para todos™, a standards-based, uniquely designed program carefully crafted for English–Spanish instruction targeting language, content, and translanguaging practices. Give students a purpose for their reading and inspire further inquiry.

Heinemann Publishing
The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading Collection
Proudly published by Heinemann

Engage readers in small-group discussion that emphasizes deep thinking about books with the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading Collection.

During guided reading, students in a small-group setting individually read a text that you have selected. You provide teaching across the lesson to support students in building strategic actions for processing increasingly challenging texts with fluency and comprehension.
At the heart of the guided reading collection are the highest-quality leveled books that will captivate the hearts and minds of readers. The collection includes 1,300 original titles (six copies of each) that span text levels A through Z, with an accompanying lesson folder for each title. Each book has been written by a diverse group of talented authors to match the text characteristics underlying the F&P Text Level Gradient™.

Choose the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Guided Reading Collection that fits your school/classroom and budgetary needs. Purchase an entire bookroom for school-wide access; purchase books for a classroom encompassing the levels for that grade; or build your collection incrementally with ten-title sets preconfigured by text level. Digital subscriptions now offer print customers access to the same components in a student-facing platform.

Waterford Reading Academy
Waterford Reading Academy is a supplemental early learning program uniquely designed to engage pre-K–2 learners. Students experience explicit and systematic instruction in reading, math, and science. The program is built on the science of reading and research-based learning.Because of the program’s adaptive learning paths, learners progress toward mastery at their own pace. This makes it appropriate and effective for all students, including children in special education programs. Additional support is built in for Spanish speakers.

All learners see themselves positively represented in the program’s books and activities. The content is infused with mindset skills, including self-awareness, social awareness, citizenship, and executive function. Families receive progress updates in English or Spanish. They also get suggestions for learning activities and access to over 1,300 resources, in English and Spanish, to support at-home learning.

Educators are equipped with a library of over 500 companion resources and digital playlists that allow them to differentiate instruction for whole groups, small groups, or individuals based on program data. Waterford Reading Academy is supported by ESSA efficacy evidence. Research has shown positive impact across all demographics, and longitudinal studies support the long-term benefits students reap with Waterford.

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