Tag: teachers

Teachers Don’t Add Up

Instead of further denigrating the education profession by suggesting that teachers double up as armed bodyguards in the wake of the latest school shooting,...

Spanish Speakers Rising by Five Million a Year

Spain’s Instituto Cervantes has released its annual report on the Spanish language: El español en el mundo 2017, revealing...

US Leaves Education, Science, Culture Organization

Following in President Reagan’s footsteps, the Trump administration has announced the U.S. intention to withdraw from United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in...

Talk, Read, Talk, Write

Nancy Motley suggests a routine for literacy in all content areas Teachers often feel immense pressure to cover too much material in too little time....

Americans Support Public Education in Diverse Schools

Despite influential campaigns to undermine  confidence in public schools, most Americans have faith in their local schools, according to the latest edition of the...

Choosing Schools, and Battles

Daniel Ward refuses to be distracted by efforts to divide supporters of public education The dogdays of summer have been rudely disturbed by the reaction...

Help ELLs Scaffold

Drawp for School is a digital content-creation and collaboration tool with embedded language scaffolds for English language learners (ELLs). Teachers use Drawp to provide...

Congress Advised of Critical Need to Boost Language Study

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) delivered its final report on...

Community Service

Jason Stricker explains how the Supporting Teacher Effectiveness Project helps create professional learning communities that work Research suggests that one of the main factors influencing...

Adding Madness to Method

Carol Gaab questions the value of traditional...
Language Magazine