Tag: teachers

Help Your Students Slide Up, Not Down, Over the Summer

During the summer months, young children lose literacy gains made during the school year, a phenomenon known as “summer slide.” The most ...

Why We Need to Support Teachers Now

1. When researching Whole (Whole: What Teachers Need to Help Students Thrive ), what surprised you about your findings?We were looking for examples of...

Newsela and NWEA to Partner

Newsela, a K–12 instructional content platform, has announced a partnership with NWEA to help teachers meaningfully differentiate instruction and engage all learners at a...

Bubbles by Swing Education

With its background in substitute teacher placement, Swing Education is answering the need of families seeking in-home teachers to help their children with distance...

NEA Poll: Low Online Attendance, Equity Top Educators’ Concerns

With school buildings closed across the country due to the coronavirus pandemic, a new poll shows educators and their students face significant challenges in...

Post COVID-19 Advocacy

This spring, our personal and professional lives were complicated by the unknown. We learned about flexibility and new routines. Some of us still feel...

The Art of Teaching

“Our students aren’t creative,” claimed one of the language teachers in the professional development workshop. The other participating teachers nodded in agreement. “How do you...

Harnessing the Power of a Teacher’s Pen

I recently asked a group of teachers to reflect on their own experiences as student writers. I asked them to cast their minds back...

A Futile War

The War on Drugs In 1998, the United Nations decided that it was going to eradicate drugs from planet Earth by 2008. The project was...

Free Resources in English and Spanish for U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics...

Statistics in Schools (SIS) Week, which will take place March 2-6, is a program of the U.S. Census Bureau designed to educate students about...
Language Magazine