Tag: teacher

Iran Reduces Kurdish Teacher’s Sentence

Zara Mohammadi, a Kurdish language teacher and linguistic advocate in Iran who was sentenced to ten years in prison for her work, has recently...

Crafting Motivational Narratives

Language teachers have an attitude problem, but not in the usual sense. If anything, we may care about our work too much. We love...

Benefits of Routine on Virtual Teaching

With only a month of virtual teaching under my belt, this year is already the wildest year I’ve ever taught. This isn’t the first...

New TESOL K–12 Remote Teaching Resource

When schools pivoted to remote teaching in response to the pandemic, I was directing a large graduate program for in-service teachers of English learners...

Rumi in the Language Classroom: Diversity of Knowledge & Teaching

Rumi in the Language Classroom Series Vol 1 See Vol 2 of the series here See Vol 3 of the series here Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, also...

Sustaining Community

While no one was prepared for the pandemic shuttering of physical school buildings, K–12 teachers of less commonly taught languages were perhaps the most...

How to Train Your English Teacher

Teaching English online is exploding in popularity, which is great news for teachers and learners as it is much more flexible and opens up...

Teacher Education Reformers Urged to Take Caution

An alliance of leaders in colleges of education across the country have released a statement cautioning against many of the current trends for “reforming”...

Three Ways to Superboost Your SIOP

Continued support after initial professional learning is essential to see gains in student achievement. A report on effective professional development from the U.S. Department...

All You Need is Read

Dianne Henderson and Gene Kerns offer practical strategies to help all students reap the benefits of reading A new report says that nearly half of...
Language Magazine