Tag: teacher

Acting UP

When I signed up for an improv theater...

California Bill to Battle Bilingual Teacher Shortage

Working to support bilingual students in one of...

Why Saving Time Serves Students

Lesson preparation time has always been a challenge for teachers, and it’s even more burdensome for the teachers whose lesson preparation time takes place...

Can Minority Serving Institutions Solve the Teacher Shortage Crisis?

“You may find some superficial changes in terms of science books where you see more Black kids or Native American kids in the chapters,...

What We Say and How We Say It

Even behind masks or through a screen, the...

Collaborative Planning: Never Having to Go It Alone

This experience gave me the opportunity to...

California Seeks to Expand Bilingual Teacher Prep

California has outlined several goals for its education system, which are rapidly approaching over the course of the next decade. Among these are plans...

State Teaching Certification

Elementary and secondary school teachers in most...

Illinois bilingual education teacher elected to NEA’s Executive Committee

A bilingual education teacher from Frankfort, Ill., was elected to serve on NEA’s Executive Committee, the highest-level governing body that oversees and helps establish...
Language Magazine