Tag: study

Study Finds Large-Print Books Boost Literacy and Social–Emotional Health

New research released by Thorndike Press from Gale, part of Cengage Group, suggests that 87% of teachers saw a positive impact on their students’...

Grammar Aids Early Vocab Building

A new study carried out at the MIT Language Acquisition Lab offers a novel insight into the early acquisition of vocabulary—sentences contain subtle hints in...

Tailor Learning to Students’ Interests

A recent study from the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, which appears in Imaging Neuroscience, shows how interests can modulate language processing in children’s...

Learning Chinese Stimulates Both Temporal Lobes

New evidence suggests that studying Chinese and learning to write Chinese characters may train a whole array of cognitive abilities not developed by learning...

China Exerting Influence in Spanish

A recent study by...

Could native language shape musical ability?

According to a new study, speakers of tonal and non-tonal languages may perceive music differently.  Research conducted by The Music Lab - a collaborative department...

Listen before Repeating

When someone hears a concept or a person’s...

Bilinguals React More Emotionally to Mother Tongue

A recent study by researchers in Poland has examined differences in how bilingual people respond to emotionally charged words in different languages. The study, carried...

Study Shows Brain’s Innate Capacity for Reading

The human brain is predisposed to visualizing words, even before individuals acquire literacy, according to a team of...

Sanskrit Code Cracked by PhD Student

A 2500 year old grammatical problem has finally been solved by PhD student Rishi Rajpopat at the University of Cambridge. A grammatical rule by...
Language Magazine