Tag: students

Teaching in the Atolls with no Virus Count

Welcome to CMI.  Our in-class classes never stopped. Things are the same. We waited and waited, then the virus never came. Walking around here, living life,...

The Art of Teaching

“Our students aren’t creative,” claimed one of the language teachers in the professional development workshop. The other participating teachers nodded in agreement. “How do you...

Harnessing the Power of a Teacher’s Pen

I recently asked a group of teachers to reflect on their own experiences as student writers. I asked them to cast their minds back...

A Futile War

The War on Drugs In 1998, the United Nations decided that it was going to eradicate drugs from planet Earth by 2008. The project was...

Rigorous Reading

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey suggest strategies to help students engage with complex texts Fourth grader Mario sits at his desk, staring at the page...

Meeting Teachers’ Needs to Help Dyslexic Students Succeed

The beginning of a new year always brings new education policies and strategies. U.S. educators currently find themselves in a rapidly changing time for...

Testing Benefits

If you are an educator, chances are that you have had or will have a student who is learning English as an additional language....

Helping Students Find Their Voices

Imagine being a student whose family has recently immigrated to the U.S. Your family is often struggling to make ends meet, is undocumented, and...

Let Learning Emerge

Complexity theory (CT) deals with complex, dynamic, and nonlinear systems. When I first encountered CT some 20 years ago, it was not in...

The ESL Makeover

Danny Brassell gets over himself to make learning fun for all ages When I first began teaching elementary school, my principal asked me if...
Language Magazine