Tag: students
New Tool Launches: “Undocumented Student Communities of Practice” Network and Directory
The Presidents’ Alliance of Higher Education and Immigration and partners TheDream.US and Immigrants Rising are proud to announce the launch of the first national “Undocumented Student Communities of...
How Schools Can Best Help Students in Deep Poverty
About 7% of American children are living in deep poverty— that’s more than five million children across the US. The Learning Policy Institute, a...
Is Accent in the Mind of the Listener?
Ashtari (2014) reported that intermediate and advanced students of English as a second language (ESL) at a California university felt that many native speakers...
Family Advice
According to the U.S. Department of Education’s recent report Education in a Pandemic: The Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 on America’s Students: “For many elementary...
A Destination of Choice in Unprecedented Times
At the outset of the COVID pandemic last spring, public schools across Canada shifted to virtual/remote delivery remarkably well and expediently. Some of the...
Help Your Students Slide Up, Not Down, Over the Summer
During the summer months, young children lose literacy gains made during the school year, a phenomenon known as “summer slide.” The most ...
Where Do Students Store New Vocabulary?
A study on word learning recently published in Neuropsychologia is shedding light on the age-old question of how language learners’ minds store the target...
Joy in the Time of COVID
In these challenging times, it seems that we are all yearning for some way to incorporate moments of joy into our lives. Some have...