Tag: social
Making Connections That Count
Roberto Rivera explores the vital connection between social and cultural competence—for both students and teachers
My father is from Nicaragua, and when I was growing...
Social Climbing
Yue Meng and Nile Stanley see the educational value in social networking sites
If you type “Facebook educational usage” into Google, it will show millions...
Call to Action: Protect Funding for Linguistics and Social Sciences
This week the U.S. House of Representatives will debate the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806). The bill could seriously jeapordize federal...
Multilingual Exposure Improves Children’s Social Skills
Empathy Increases with Linguistic Experience
Young children only have to hear more than one language spoken at home to become better communicators, a new study...
Social Media Speeds Up Language Evolution
John Sutherland, a professor of English from University College London, led a study that confirmed the English Language is evolving faster than ever due...