Tag: reading

Reading Legislation Update

KansasGovernor Laura Kelly signed into law the Kansas...

Reading Legislation Update

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly signed into law the Kansas Blueprint for Literacy legislation, which would “amend teacher education programs to improve classroom instruction in...

Mastering Reading

Eastern Tennessee State UniversityProgram title: MEd in Reading Format: OnlineLength: Four semesters Credit hours: 36 credit hoursSpecializations: English as a second language; special education interventionist  www.etsu.edu/online/graduate-degrees/reading-education.php University...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall III

Premise: Nationally, there is a higher demand for...

Ensuring Equity in Reading Instruction

Early one summer, my parents moved our family...

To Support the Science of Reading, Replace Disinformation with Collaboration

My first teaching job after earning a Master...

California Bill Would Mandate Science of Reading

A newly introduced California Assembly bill would require the state’s teachers to be trained and reading to be taught only according to the principles...

A Bilingual Path to Literacy Success

I have been the principal at Georgia Brown...

Dyslexia Legislation Only Gets Us So Far

In October, education communities across the country recognized Dyslexia Awareness Month. The National Institute of Health and Yale University found approximately one in five...
Language Magazine