Tag: policy

Brexit Blamed for England’s Drop in Language Learning

According to the British Council's 2018 Language Trends survey of schools in England, less than half of 16-year-olds study a language other than English,...

Danish Language Classes Supplement Denmark Tax Cuts

A new tax deal set by the Danish government will place stronger conditions for entry to social welfare programs and payments for foreign citizens....

Celebrate Mother Language Day!

On International Mother Language Day 2018, celebrated on 21 February every year, UNESCO reiterates its commitment to linguistic diversity and invites its Member States...

Mass. House Pushes For Diversity in ELL Teaching

Last week, the Massachusetts House passed a bill that would eliminate “one size fits all” teaching for English Language Learners ( ELL ). The...

Opposition to Puerto Rico’s Schools Cuts

Last month, the presidents of the American Federation of Teachers and the Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico (the Puerto Rico Teachers Association) co-signed a letter to the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico, describing the harmful impact of the deep education cuts over the past decade and the devastating consequences additional proposed reductions would have on students and Puerto Rico’s future.

Texas Bill SB4 Threatens Vulnerable Students

With the recent approval of Texas Senate Bill 4, many of the state's most vulnerable students will face new obstacles accessing the education they need to become contributors to our society. The bill, which was signed into law during a Facebook Live broadcast on Sunday afternoon by Governor Greg Abbot, puts a startling halt to "sanctuary cities" and the security they provide to the parents of documented and undocumented children in Texas.

Tell Congress to Support World Languages

The Trump Administration's FY 2018 budget blueprint proposes a $54 million increase to the Department of Defense, to be offset by cuts to programs...

What Should Trump Do for Education in the U.S.? Part I

Part I in Language Magazine's series in which we ask key figures in the world of language education what President Trump should do to...

Putin’s Language Policy

While France's Minister of Culture decided that fighting the inclusion of foreign words was hurting, rather than preserving, the French language, Russia remains resistant....
Language Magazine