Tag: policy
Trump Orders English to be Sole US Official Language
President Trump has signed an executive order (EO) declaring English the official language of the US, effectively rescinding a mandate established by President Clinton...
Languages Caucus Addresses Crisis in K-12 Schools
Last month, the Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL), the national coalition providing representation on Capitol Hill for language education, hosted a timely and powerful...
Laying Down the Law
Every few years, education bubbles up to the top of the political agenda in state capitols across the US and legislatures scramble to pass...
Campaign Seeks to Silence Indigenous Voice in Australian Parliament
An Australian group has launched a campaign against a scheduled referendum to allow Indigenous Australians a voice in parliament, claiming it would not fully...
DACA Reprieve Prompts Calls for Congress to Act
US District Judge Andrew Hanen ruled last month that the current version of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) can continue temporarily for previously...
Book Bans Create Fear in Schools
With school book banning policies and legislation that effectively promotes classroom censorship coming into place across the United States, few days go by where...
Language at the Intersection
“Each year, JNCL-NCLIS delegates and dedicated language advocates across the country unite to meet with Members of Congress and promote the importance of language...