Tag: PD

Lockdown in Italy: What one teacher’s experience shows us about teaching...

“Where do you want to do your lessons today?” “Erm, well, I was teaching in the spare room yesterday so perhaps we could do a swap today?” “Well, what time’s...

Getting Transcription Ready

Aydin Adelson makes transcribing fun and constructive Transcribing audio is one of the most effective techniques in language teaching, improving both listening and writing skills....

Three Ways to Superboost Your SIOP

Continued support after initial professional learning is essential to see gains in student achievement. A report on effective professional development from the U.S. Department...

A Second Language for Every Student

Lisa A. Frumkes explains why bilingualism is more relevant than ever. In today’s increasingly global and connected world, I interact every day with colleagues from...

Measuring Teacher Impact

Verso Learning’s platform is a teaching resource designed to collect evidence and data from the classroom to develop and deliver personalized professional development and...
Language Magazine