Tag: multilingualism
Yes, Structured Literacy and Multilingualism Go Together
Literacy is foundational—not only for academic success...
Unlocking the Potential of Multilingualism: A Guide for Educators
In today's interconnected world, multilingualism in education is gaining increasing recognition for its numerous...
Research: Using a foreign language can reduce false memories
A recent study by research groups at...
Multilingualism Makes It into Biden’s Budget
Under President Biden’s budget request for fiscal year 2024, the Department of Education would receive $90.6 billion in discretionary spending, a $10.8 billion (or...
Cardona Sets Goal of Multilingualism for All Students
At last month’s National Association for Bilingual Education...
Multilingualism Can Slow Down Dementia
Researchers from the University of Sydney have recently found evidence that culturally diverse people might resist symptoms for frontotemporal dementia, for longer.
Calling for more...
Continue Celebrating Mother Language Day!
In 1999 UNESCO declared February 21 to be International Mother Language Day to promote awareness of linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Although there are about...
Multiliteracies and Multilingual Learners
Equipped with Miami Linguistic Readers, Camino de la Escuela, and my own ingenuity, my young multilingual learners and I dived into what we believed...
The Path to Learning a Language
I recently invited a professional to speak to my adult students who are learning English as a second language. They were very excited to...