Tag: multilingual

Testing Benefits

If you are an educator, chances are that you have had or will have a student who is learning English as an additional language....

Skills for a Multilingual, Global Learning Community

In our increasingly diverse and global society, many students are in classrooms receiving instruction in a language that is not their primary language and...

Multilingual Matters

The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language which is one of the authorities regulating and preserving the changes that occur in the ...

Mutual Understanding with Intercomprehension

Clorinda Donato and Pierre Escudé explain how intercomprehension is the basis for their Multilingual Romance Languages Learning Project What if the target language suddenly became multiple languages learned...

Multilingual Students Succeeding in the U.S.

A new study finds that scores from students who speak a language other than...

UN: Multilingual Education is ‘Absolutely Essential’

Learning languages is a promise of peace, innovation, and creativity, and will contribute to the achievement of global development goals, the head of the...

Skills for a Multilingual, Global Learning Community

Edynn Sato offers strategies for educators to help multilingual learners develop academic literacies and succeed across multiple academic disciplines and contexts In our increasingly diverse and...

Putting the Benefits of Bilingualism into Practice

The National Science Foundation's Partnerships in International Research and Education (NSF PIRE) has awarded a $5 million dollar grant over five years to help...

Multilingual Exposure Improves Children’s Social Skills

Empathy Increases with Linguistic Experience Young children only have to hear more than one language spoken at home to become better communicators, a new study...

Google Goes Multilingual

New search app code switches like most people. For polyglots, it can be an arduous task to manually change the language on a smart phone...
Language Magazine