Tag: multilingual

De Facto Bilingual Education

It has been hypothesized that successful bilingual...

Continue Celebrating Mother Language Day!

In 1999 UNESCO declared February 21 to be International Mother Language Day to promote awareness of linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Although there are about...

Cardona Raises the Bar for US Bilingualism

In a speech last...

TESOL Supports Adult Ed Bill

Senators Reed (D-RI) and Young (R-IN) introduced the Adult Education WORKS Act (S.5202) in efforts to strengthen and expand the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity...

Fostering Language and Literacy Development

Literacy is essential for success in school and in life beyond school. The ability to read and write well provides individuals with untold opportunities...

Celebrate International Mother Language Day 2023

On the 21st February, International Mother Language Day is observed globally, promoting the awareness and importance of linguistic and cultural diversity. This year, UNESCO focuses...

UNESCO Commits to Inclusive Multilingual Education

“Language is a tool, but the goal is not simply to exchange one language for another but to have an educational and social project,”...

Program Models over Potluck

(November 2022) Ayanna Cooper emphasizes the importance of using instruction models that suit particular students but always believing in their potential for success

Revolutionizing Language Acquisition Programs through Leadership Coaching

(October 2022) Ayanna Cooper interviews Rachelle Nelson about her role coaching school leaders who serve multilingual learners

Help Design the 2030 Census—what languages should it be in?

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Language Magazine