Tag: multilingual

Working Toward Linguistic Liberation

Lesson planning is a political act. As previously stated in the Language Magazine article “Content, Language, and Culture Targets” (Medina, 2023), schools in the...

Colorado Assesses Multilingual Learners

Early this month, the Colorado Department of Education is presenting a “state of the state on multilingual learners” (MLLs)—a sign of more focus on...

Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx of diverse learners is...

Dual Language Expectations

In an increasingly globalized...

Demystifying Dyslexia

Often, schools under-identify multilinguals with dyslexia because they think the issue is language-based, so they don’t evaluate the student. There are places where multilingual students are overrepresented because we think we’ve given them the right kind of intervention when we actually haven’t. So, the relationship between multilingual students and special education is complicated.

Make a Plan for Oracy

Schools are placing a greater emphasis on foundational...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall V: Collaborate to Thrive

Let’s Start Here Educator collaboration is an essential component...

Supporting Multilingual Learners in Developing Reading Fluency across the School Day

The Importance of Building Reading Fluency...
Language Magazine