Tag: literacy
Literacy Starts in the Library
Literacy is the foundation of everything we do for our learners. Reading is a required skill for every subject, whether it is science,...
Making Learning Come to Life
“Ultimately, the outcome of maker education and educational makerspaces leads to determination, independence, and creative problem solving, and an authentic preparation for...
$15M Global Learning XPRIZE Shared by Two Winners
Teams Recognized for Developing Effective, Scalable, Open-Source Learning Software for Children around the World. Language Magazine readers urged to show their support and join...
Acquiring Academic Literacy from the Inside
Throughout the U.S., there is a sizeable population of international students from mainland China studying at colleges and universities. Among the varied...
Celebrating National Library Week 2019
We are halfway through this year’s National Library week, and celebrations continue to take place in and about libraries across the country. National Library...
Two Teams Share $7M Adult Literacy XPRIZE
XPRIZE, in partnership with the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, has announced two grand prize winners of...
Children’s Rights to Read Pledge
More than 1,000 individuals and organizations, representing over 50 countries; 30 organizations; 20 schools, districts, and universities; and 175,000 students, have pledged support to...
Preschool Reading Boosts Language Skills by Eight Months
A new review of existing research finds that receptive language skills—the ability to understand information – are improved by the equivalent of eight...
Decoding Versus Cognitive Ability
Terrie L. Noland believes we need to understand the automaticity of executing lower-level reading processes in order to master higher-level comprehension
Automaticity is necessary in everything we do to enable...
Focus on Student-Centered Learning
In Future-Focused Learning: Ten Essential Shifts of Everyday Practice, published by Solution Tree, author Lee Watanabe-Crockett details how educators can shift instruction to focus...