Tag: language

Measuring Teacher Impact

Verso Learning’s platform is a teaching resource designed to collect evidence and data from the classroom to develop and deliver personalized professional development and...

Improving Learner Outcomes

David Bong explains the what, why, and how of measuring world language skills The world of language assessment is endlessly fascinating. What, why, and how...

Australia Funds Radio Program for Multilingual Seniors

Speak My Language is a new radio program that has launched with the goal reaching out to aging populations across Australia. The project harnesses...

Shared Book Reading Benefits ELL Language Skills

Shared book reading—the process of reading alongside children and engaging them by pointing to pictures, discussing word meanings, and going over the book’s plot—has...

Language Skills Among NGO Workers Lacking

A new study by The Department of Modern Languages and European Studies at the University of Reading in England examined the roles and importance of languages...

The Benefits of Narrow Reading Units

Kate Kinsella advocates the use of narrow reading units as a portal to word knowledge and literate discourse I provide consultancy and professional development for...

Seven Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive Foreign Language Classroom

Anna Matis, author of 7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive, Foreign Language Classroom, shares the secrets of her own success: MAQ When I received the keys...

Arabic Becomes Sweden’s Second Language

For over 800 years, Finnish has been Sweden's largest minority language, but, thanks to the recent influx of asylum seekers from predominantly Arab-speaking countries in the Middle East and...

Brexit Blamed for England’s Drop in Language Learning

According to the British Council's 2018 Language Trends survey of schools in England, less than half of 16-year-olds study a language other than English,...

Bahasa Lessons Required for Immigrants to Indonesia

Indonesia’s government is introducing a regulation that requires companies to offer training in Bahasa Indonesia, the country’s official language, to foreign employees. The requirement...
Language Magazine