Tag: language
CA Bill Seeks to Level Biliteracy Seal Options
A California Bill currently in the legislature, aims to fill a gap in state education recognition ensuring a state seal of biliteracy - proof...
Battle over Te Reo Māori Signs in New Zealand
Plans to introduce bilingual road signs throughout New Zealand have inflamed political tensions and heightened arguments over racial politics in the country’s election race.
Malaysia govt seeks to introduce Tamil language in schools
In Malaysia, the government is looking into introducing Tamil language as an additional subject in secondary schools across the country.
According to Prime Minister Anwar...
Applications Now Open for HBCU, TCCU, and MSI Research and Development...
The RDI grant program is designed to provide four-year HBCUs, TCCUs, and MSIs including Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs),...
Applications Now Open for Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program
The purpose of this program is to equitably improve postsecondary student outcomes, including retention, transfer (including successful transfer of completed credits), credit accumulation, and...
Data Shows US-China Cultural Relations at Low Point
According to official figures, cultural ties between the United States and China are at a significant low after years of steady decline.
Data measuring study abroad,...
Climbing the HILL Together
LEP? ELL? ML? What’s in a Name? Popular belief has held and continues to hold the image of the teacher of English language learners/multilingual...
French Defenders Sue Over ‘Franglais’
Language defense groups in France are taking legal action over an “excessive” use of English and mixed English and French terms by public institutions...
July 2023 Funding Opportunities
Native American Language Resource Centers (NALRC) Program
The purpose...