Tag: language

A Bilingual Path to Literacy Success

I have been the principal at Georgia Brown...

Unlocking the Vietnamese Language: A Student’s Perspective in Saigon

Vietnam—the land of delicious food, viral-worthy motorcycle traffic, immense history, and… language classes? Learning Vietnamese is definitely not on the radar for many language...

From Advocate to Activist: One Teacher’s Journey

Classroom teacher: “That kid from Africa. He’s suspended...


Juan does a double take when I mention Joyabaj. “¿De veras?” he asks. We’d been chatting about my recent trip to Guatemala as he...

New America and SEAL to Co-host Webinar about Science of Reading...

Concerns have been raised that methodologies based on the Science of Reading may negatively impact English Learners (ELs). On February 8, New America and SEAL...

META to Host Conference for Teachers of Emergent Multilingual Learners

On Saturday, March 2, META (Multilingual Educators Transforming Achievement) is inviting educators in the Central Valley of California to join them for a day...

Tone More Important than Phonetics for Babies’ Language Development 

A new study by the University of Cambridge,...

Push for Guernesiais to be Taught in UK Channel Islands Schools

On the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, the language commission chair has announced that the native language of the island should be...

Chinese Government Pledges Support for Promotion of Mandarin Worldwide

In Beijing, a senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official has pledged support for ongoing efforts to maintain Chinese language education internationally, and to...

Bilingualism May Improve Attention Control

According to a study recently published in...
Language Magazine