Tag: equity

Access and Equity through Clear Communication

Unclear, overly complex, or specialized language use can impede communication in a variety of societal contexts. It can limit accessibility to critically important government...

Make English Truly a World Language

(September 2021) Venice Irving and Anna Hearrell explain how cultural awareness can bridge the English divide

Debating the Digital Divide

Yaritza was suspended in seventh grade for punching a boy in the nose. He had called her a dull-witted donkey, not quite in those...

Young, Bilingual, and Black

(July 2021) Ayanna Cooper shows how fostering bilingualism and biliteracy works at Boston’s Toussaint L’Ouverture Academy

U.S. Department of Education Focuses on Equity

Last month, the U.S. Department of Education held the first installment of its Equity Summit Series, “Building Equitable Learning Environments in Our Schools.” The...

Juneteenth: Shackles by Any Name…

(June 2021) Bremen de Haan and Darlyne de Haan see Juneteenth as an opportunity to address the societal legacy of slavery in the U.S. and the consequent educational inequalities

Beyond Crises: Imagining Families and Communities

The recent shootings of Asian Americans and whether these will be considered hate crimes, tornadoes ravaging the Southwest and elsewhere, and fears of uncertain...

“Who You Be?”: Welcoming in the Language of Critical Love

(May 2021) Shekema S. Dunlap, Millicent Carmouche, and Natasha Thornton share the power of being in African American language

After Whiteness

(April 2021) J. P. B. Gerald, Vijay A. Ramjattan, and Scott Stillar present the first part of a vision of a possible future for English language teaching

Pre-K Quality Stalls in NYC

Young children from low-income New York City families—many of...
Language Magazine