Tag: english

China Wants Filipino English Teachers

An English-teaching platform aimed at the $4.5 billion market for online language lessons in China is looking to hire 100,000 Filipino English teachers over...

Recognizing Gifted English Learners

The National Center for Research on Gifted Education (NCREGE) has published a study, commissioned...

EdTech for English Learners

U.S. Department of Education data show that English learners in grades K–12 in U.S. public schools in the 2015–16 school year numbered over five...

Germans Give $1.2 Million for English Research

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted a Reinhart Koselleck Project to Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik of the Department of English at the University...

Codeswitching Easier to Turn On

Research into the neurological activity required to switch between languages is providing new insights into the nature of bilingualism. “A remarkable feature of multilingual individuals...

Bill in Congress Aims to Help ELL Teacher Shortage

The Reaching English Learners Act has been introduced in Congress in hopes of creating a solution to the national shortage of ELL teachers. The...

1 in 4 Students is an English Language Learner: Are We...

Despite a push to train and recruit more bilingual teachers, school counselors, and school administrators, the US is facing a shortage of educators who...

States’ Commitment to English Learners Examined

Two reports have been submitted to the U.S. Department of Education which examine the extent to which states’ education plans are in step with...

Standardized Testing Detriment to Minority Children

Over the last year or so, the movement against high-stakes standardized testing has subsided, maybe due to educational activists focusing their attention on more...

RULES on the Run

Learning, remembering, and using the stress and intonation patterns of North American English can be complicated and cumbersome. The interference of using one’s native-language...
Language Magazine