Tag: english
Jumpstart Launches New Online Math and English Assessments
Jumpstart Test Prep announced the launch of their new online Math and English assessments that are included with their ACT Math and English subject area...
A Life and Love of Languages
People have asked me why I recently joined the U.S. Department of Education as assistant deputy secretary in the Office of English Language Acquisition...
Taking English Learning Online
Instructional strategies that have proven effective in improving English language learner (ELL) achievement include providing ELLs with intentionally planned vocabulary instruction; using gestures, visual...
Apr. 23 is #EnglishLanguageDay
Every year on April 23, the United Nations (UN) leads the world in celebrating English Language Day. The result of a 2010 initiative by...
How to Train Your English Teacher
Teaching English online is exploding in popularity, which is great news for teachers and learners as it is much more flexible and opens up...
Cambridge Univ Press Offers Free ELL, Gen Ed, Academic Resources
English Language Teaching
CUP has launched the “Supporting Every Teacher” campaign and,
in partnership with Cambridge Assessment English, is producing large amounts of
free, online content for...
43 Million American Adults Have ‘Low’ English Literacy Levels
White and Hispanic adults make up the largest percentage of U.S. adults with low levels of English literacy, according to the most recent results...
Experts Not Hopeful on Vietnam’s English Targets
Education experts are expressed concern that the targets set for Vietnam’s foreign language proficiency are set to fail at a recent meeting on English...
International Poll Reveals Language Choices
According to recent international research by YouGov, English is accepted as the most important language for children to learn, but Chinese is catching up...
Reaching English Learners Act Gains Support
TESOL International Association has pledged its support for the bipartisan Reaching English Learners Act (H.R. 1153, S. 545). The legislation would create a grant...