Tag: english

Mass. House Pushes For Diversity in ELL Teaching

Last week, the Massachusetts House passed a bill that would eliminate “one size fits all” teaching for English Language Learners ( ELL ). The...

“The Emergence of Culture Out of Anarchy”: Self-Organization in the English...

The English language has progressed over time without a...

Late-Learner Bilinguals Perform Similar to Native Speakers

A new study, titled “Late Bilinguals Are Sensitive to Unique Aspects...

Helping Academic English Learners Develop Productive Word Knowledge

Dr. Kate Kinsella offers evidence-based instructional practices to advance students’ verbal and written command of critical words Vocabulary Knowledge and Overall Academic Achievement Vocabulary plays a crucial...

Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

Fill in the blank with the correct form...

Language Key to National Identity

A new survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that language is a much more significant factor to national identity than birthplace. According to...

U.S. Language Capacity ‘Diminishing,’ Despite Need

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) has released a report that suggests a “diminishing share” of U.S. residents speak languages other than...

English Now Second Place in Puerto Rico

The Puerto Rican Senate recently approved a bill declaring Spanish as the first official language of the country, moving English to second place. The...

Frederick County Repeals English-Only Ordinance

Frederick County has repealed a controversial ordinance making English the county’s official language, which was implemented three years prior. Frederick was Maryland’s first county...

Language Skill Changes Lives in North Korea

As North Korea announced the creation of its own time zone, the leaders of the “hermit country” have again politically distanced themselves from the...
Language Magazine