Tag: endangered

Project Seeks to Preserve Syriac

Texas A&M University historian Dr. Daniel Schwartz and likeminded colleagues from around the world have been working to help preserve Syriac and its 2,000...

Activists warn Russian languages are disappearing faster than data suggests

Activists in Russia have warned that hundreds of rare languages spoken by Russia’s ethnic and indigenous minorities are disappearing at an alarming rate.  It is...

Card Game Aims to Revitalize Traditional Mongolian Script

The traditional Mongolian writing system—a vertical top-to-bottom, left-to-right alphabet—dates all the way back to the early days of the Mongol Empire. However, in the...

Languages, Plants, and People

K. David Harrison on Environmental Linguistics This is the first of an ongoing series of articles that Language Magazine will be publishing to call attention to...

Drums Amplify Speech Across Amazon

The Amazonian Bora people mimic the rhythm of their language for communication over large...

Preserving the Critically Endangered N|uu Language

N|uu is the language of the San people, who were the first hunter-gatherers in southern Africa. The language has 112 distinct sounds including 45...

The Endangered Language Alliance

The Endangered Language Alliance (ELA), an independent non-profit founded in 2010 by a team of linguists, recently worked with Grubin Productions to produce the...
Language Magazine