Tag: ELs

English Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Voices from the Field

Moving at the Speed of Light Literacy is at...

English Learners Rarely Identified as Gifted

NWEA, a not-for-profit research and educational services organization...

Designing Learning Ecologies

How did you spend much of 2020? Hours...

Joint conference on ELs to be held in DC

On May 8–9, 2023, the National Research...

BRIEF: English Learner Funding Equity and Adequacy in K–12 Education

Introduction In a rural part of northwest Alabama sits...

Be the Advocate for the Silent

English learners tend to become another silent statistic....

Supporting Early Literacy in Spanish and English

Building early literacy skills is imperative for all students, especially the five million English learners (ELs) being educated in today’s public schools.1 The mastery...

Co-Teaching for Capacity Building

Whether you are a school or district administrator, a coach or fellow educator, you must have encountered a...
Language Magazine