Tag: education
Write to the US Senate to Protect World Language Education
The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee of the United States Senate has released a draft of the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act...
New Federal Language Education Survey
With funding from The Language Flagship at the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), the American Councils Research Center (ARC), the research...
Celebrate International Education Week
Today marks the beginning of the 15th annual International Education Week – an opportunity to celebrate international education and global exchange.
This joint initiative of...
Education #2 Priority for U.S. Voters
Education is the second most important issue to likely U.S. voters according to the latest Reason-Rupe national poll.
The economy is the number one issue...
Music Education Boosts Language and Literacy
New research presented at the American Psychological Association’s annual meeting links music education to increased learning and literacy skills. The findings, which involved hundreds...
Brussels Summit for Global Education
Today the Global Partnership for Education held a summit in Brussels, gathering hundreds of global education leaders, ministers and representatives in a pledge to...
U.S. Raises Bar for Special Education Standards
The US Department of Education has announced it will begin monitoring the progress and achievements of students with special needs, with aims of boosting...
Significant Drop in Global Aid to Education
A new report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has shown a significant drop in global aid to education causes...
2014 Centers for International Business Education Competition Announced
The International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office - part of the US Department of Education, has announced its Centers for International Business Education...
CA Senate Committee Recommends Restoring Bilingual Education
California’s Senate Education Committee has recommended that the state’s voters be asked to repeal Proposition 227, the 1998 initiative requiring public school instruction in...