Tag: education

Yes, Structured Literacy and Multilingualism Go Together

Literacy is foundational—not only for academic success...

Congress Defers FY25 Language Education Funding Decisions

In late September, Congress...

Literacy Policy

Michigan Implements New Literacy/Dyslexia Bills Two new...

Vote for the American Dream

Although education policy has not been at the top of the political agenda in the run-up to the presidential election, the two candidates propose...

Supporting Multilingual Learners in Accessing CTE Texts

Career and technical education, commonly referred to as...

Bill to Reauthorize Title VI Introduced in House

At the end of July, before leaving for recess, Representatives Deborah Ross (D-North Carolina), Valerie Foushee (D-North Carolina), and Jimmy Panetta (D-California) introduced a...

Relaunch of America’s Languages Caucus

In April, America’s Languages Caucus was relaunched with the addition of new House co-chair Representative Jen Kiggans (R-Virginia 2). First-term congresswoman Kiggans, who joined...

Educating Students about the Lived Experience in Canada

Schools across Canada have recognized National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for two years to incorporate the legacy of residential schools into the classroom....

Québec Raises Fees and French Standards

Québec is once again tightening French language laws across different sectors. Prospective and enrolled university students in Quebec are particularly concerned, as they may...

OELA Regains Management of Title III Funds

Last month, management of Title III—the state grants...
Language Magazine