Tag: curriculum

The Benefits of a ‘Glocalized’ Curriculum for Multilingual Learners

In today's interconnected world, schools with multilingual students face the challenge of balancing national...

That Lightbulb Moment

When you see results, you want to keep...

Chinese Focus on Traditional Culture and Language

Starting this semester, China’s national school curriculum will...

AI in Class

How we learn languages today still needs to be updated. Even now, we are seeing classrooms with one teacher lecturing to 30 pupils all...

California District Introduces Hindi

The board of Silicon Valley’s Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) has voted to introduce Hindi as a world language into its curriculum, making it...

Educating Students about the Lived Experience in Canada

Schools across Canada have recognized National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for two years to incorporate the legacy of residential schools into the classroom....

Content, Language, and Culture Learning Targets

Lesson planning is a political act. Schools in...

Backward Design

Comprehensible input. Movies. Language clubs. Guest speakers. Pirates. Conversations. Fly-swatter vocabulary matches. Video pen pals. Study abroad.A language program can take many forms and...
Language Magazine