Tag: classroom
Spanish Resources
Some free online resources for Spanish teachers
Teachers’ blogs:
Miscositas www.miscositas.com Lori Langer de Ramirez offers a plethora of resources for Spanish teachers: Thematic curriculum units with...
Focus on Student Centered Learning
In Future-Focused Learning: Ten Essential Shifts of Everyday Practice, published by Solution Tree, author Lee Watanabe-Crockett details how educators can shift instruction to focus...
Seven Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive Foreign Language Classroom
Anna Matis, author of 7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive, Foreign Language Classroom, shares the secrets of her own success: MAQ
When I received the keys...
Early Language Key to School Success
Kim Echart of the University of Washington News reports on a new study...
Busting Myths, Telling Truths
Matt Renwick recommends a grounded approach when it comes to technology in the classroom
In a first-grade classroom, two teachers co-facilitated a literacy lesson. It...
Growing Gains
Diane Glass explains why measuring reading growth should be a top priority for educators
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are transforming the way that...
When Literacy Gets Critical
Lina Sun provides a rationale for integrating peace education into the English curriculum through graphic novels
Graphic novels, which tell real and fictional stories using...
Talk, Read, Talk, Write
Nancy Motley suggests a routine for literacy in all content areas
Teachers often feel immense pressure to cover too much material in too little time....