Tag: bilingual

Putting the Benefits of Bilingualism into Practice

The National Science Foundation's Partnerships in International Research and Education (NSF PIRE) has awarded a $5 million dollar grant over five years to help...

The Rising Demand for Bilingual Teachers

Schools are struggling to provide quality education to an increasing number of students who don't speak English. In the last 25 years, the amount...

Foreign Language Requirements Lead to Multilingualism

Comparative study of U.S. and Europe shows correlation between language requirements and multilingualism A Pew Research Center study on foreign language education in the U.S....

1st Bilingual Education Fair of Los Angeles is May 3rd

Language Magazine is sponsoring Los Angeles’ first Bilingual Education Fair to be held on May 3rd at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) campus....

Calling all bilingual college students! Your chance to address the United...

MANY LANGUAGES, ONE WORLD 2015 Student Essay Contest and Global Youth Forum Seventy students will be selected as delegates to the 2015 United Nations Academic...

Canada Calls for Bilingual Tweeting

Canada's Foreign Minister under fire for favoring English on social media. Canada’s chien de garde des langues officielles, or language watchdog, Graham Fraser, is investigating...

Was Jesus Bilingual?

Pope Francis and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have entered into a debate regarding the language spoken by Jesus Christ. Several languages were spoken in...

CA Senate Committee Recommends Restoring Bilingual Education

California’s Senate Education Committee has recommended that the state’s voters be asked to repeal Proposition 227, the 1998 initiative requiring public school instruction in...

Celebrate First Bilingual Literacy Month

Read Conmigo, the bilingual literacy campaign for children sponsored by Infinity Auto Insurance, has declared the first annual Bilingual Literacy Month this May. As...

Louisiana Debates Bilingual Education as a Right

Lawmakers in Louisiana are pushing to make language immersion a right. “Every kid should have the right of a bilingual education,” said Rep. Stephen Ortego...
Language Magazine