Tag: bilingual

America Becoming More Multilingual

According to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) of newly...

US Leaves Education, Science, Culture Organization

Following in President Reagan’s footsteps, the Trump administration has announced the U.S. intention to withdraw from United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in...

Bilingual Education on the Brink of Return in Boston

The Massachusetts Senate has unanimously approved the LOOK (Language Opportunity for Our...

Free Bilingual E-Books

Moondrop Entertainment, the creator of Drawp for School educational software, and Infinity Insurance, sponsor of the award-winning Read Conmigo bilingual literacy program, are working...

California Adopts ‘Historic’ English Learner Roadmap

Today, the California State Board of Education unanimously adopted a revolutionary “English Learner Roadmap”...

Growing Bilingual Teacher Shortage in California

A new report released by Californians Together shows that many school districts across the state are currently facing a growing bilingual teacher shortage, and...

Mother Language Dictates Reading Strategy

Research Offers Insight to the Way ELLs Learn to Read

Parallel Learning Lines

Languages Develop Simultaneously  But Independently in Young Bilinguals A new study of Spanish-English bilingual children by researchers at Florida Atlantic University published in the journal Developmental...
Language Magazine