September 2024 Inside the Issue

 Lessen the Workload
 Multilingual Assessment
 A Formative Framework
 Prepping for College Authentic Learning

Dual Language Expectations
Mehdi Lazar provides a guide to briefing parents on what to expect when their children start in a bilingual school

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall VII: Meeting the Needs of Linguistically Diverse Students
Rubí Flores presents a case for embedded professional learning in dual language education

AI in Class
James McGowan envisages how AI will transform language learning

Crafting a Winning School Marketing Plan
Rachel Exton offers a step-by-step guide to boost enrollment

Building Pathways to Earning California’s PK–3 Credential
Nicole Hsu examines accessible teacher preparation programs for the current workforce

Decoding Dyslexia
Colin Clarke outlines Canada’s latest approaches to literacy and learning disabilities

Translinguistic Comparisons through the Lenses of Gender            
Suzanne García, Jenny de la Hoz, and Ferran/Fernando Rodriguez-Valls reexamine the consequences of our application of gender within the context of marine creatures