immersion - search results
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A Country of Many Canadas
It’s not surprising that close to 200,000 students come to study in Canada every year, and that number looks set to double over the next...
CSU Fullerton to Offer Vietnamese Teacher Program
Next year, California State University, Fullerton will offer a program leading to a BA in Vietnamese language and culture, and certification for teachers of...
Study to Examine Achievement of Bilingual Students
The RAND Corporation, a nonprofit think tank, is studying the effects of dual-language immersion on student achievement in Portland Public Schools with a three-year,...
French Boost in Louisiana
After Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal vetoed $100,000 funding for the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL) during last year’s budget vetoes,...
Seeing with Spanish Eyes
Musetta Reed and Lauren Rovin use film and TV to bring authentic content into the classroom
LoMásTV: Spanish Immersion TV is a set of short...
Seeing with Spanish Eyes: Spanish Audiovisual Recommendations
Musetta Reed and Lauren Rovin use film and TV to bring authentic content into the classroom
LoMásTV: Spanish Immersion TV is a set of short...
July 2013
Preparing for a Bright New World
In this era of standardization and utilitarianism, it is heartening to hear a government-appointed committee come to the conclusion...
June 2013
L’ Histoire de Notre Succès
Benoît Le Dévédec reveals why New York’s French Heritage Language Program has been such a success
Closing the Vocabulary Gap
Alex Rappaport...
June 2013
How International is Your Education?
Now that we’re in the throes of immigration reform whilst living with the threat posed by rogue refugees in the...
Teach French in NYC
Following last month’s feature on the resurgence of interest in French in the U.S. (“La Renaissance,” May 2013, pp 31), here’s the hard evidence...