immersion - search results

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Mexican Revival

Students describe why learning Spanish in Mexico should be on your agenda According to the Institute of International Education's annual report, the 2015 Open Doors...

Will Every Student Succeed?

America's new federal education bill has grand aspirations, but will it live up to them? In December, President Obama signed the new iteration of the...

Toward Biliteracy: Spanish and Californian Trajectories

As demands grow for biliteracy in California, Cynthia García Dehbozorgi and Nehemias Giménez García compare the state’s initiatives to those of Spain Surprisingly, one of...

December 2015

Monolingual Hubris As more and more evidence emerges to support the assertion that learning another language improves cognition, earning potential, and health—and may even make...

South America’s City of Light

Buenos Aires is often described as the Paris of the South, which makes it a fascinating Spanish-immersion destination From fabulous tango shows to soccer (fútbol)...

Events Calendar

December 2015 3-4 ICNLP 2015: International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Penang, Malaysia 3-5 California School Boards Assn San Diego, CA 3-5 TESOL Regional...

November 2015

All Language Learning Is Critical Nearly every educational commentary, report, or study published over the last few years seems to stress the importance of 21st-century...

November 2015

Fact or FICTION: The PLOT thickens Stephen Krashen argues that self-selected pleasure reading of fiction is key to complex text comprehension for first- and...

Miami Schools Pursuing Quality Bilingual Education

Since the Miami-Dade School district in Florida postponed a scheduled change in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, Superintendent Alberto Carvalho has announced plans to launch...

Investing in German

Why and where to learn the übercool language of economics, engineering, and design According to the latest estimates by the Goethe–Institut, around 14.5 million people...
Language Magazine