On March 2, the National Education Association will kick off Read Across America Day. This national reading celebration aims to bring together children, teens and books on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
This year Read Across America is showcasing Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax and also promoting a new film version of the book by NBC/Universal starring Taylor Swift Zach Efron, and Danny DeVito. Universal, Dr. Seuss Enterprises, and Random House joined forces to create classroom posters and guides for teachers who want to celebrate Read Across America at their schools. For teachers who want to celebrate by reading The Lorax, there are lesson plans available online here.
Teachers who work in underserved schools often find that access to good books is the biggest hurdle in getting students excited about reading. Read Across America’s partner First Book gets age-appropriate books to the students who need them most. Check out Language Magazine’s feature on First Book and other non-profits that foster literacy here.
Check back with Language Magazine for continuing coverage of the NEA’s Read Across America.