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Kiev Affords Russian Recognition but Denies Official Status

In a bid to appease separatists, Ukraine’s parliament has announced agreement on a so-called "Memorandum of Peace and Accord" which gives Russian language some recognition but not "official" status. The parliamentary decree actively recognizes and...

Ukraine Attempts to Appease Russian Speakers

Ukraine's de facto president and prime minister have today offered to strengthen the constitutional right to use the Russian language to try to defuse separatist movements. In a joint televised address, acting President Oleksander Turchinov...

Estonia Suppresses Russian

Moscow has accused the Estonian government of denying the rights of the Russian-speaking Estonian population in response to a rejected petition for four Russian-language high schools in Tallinn. Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s envoy for...

Alaska Home to Rare Russian Dialect

Linguists to compile dictionary from septuagenarian speakers by 2014. A Russian settlement in Alaska that became isolated from the Russian Empire when the U.S. bought the Alaska Territory in 1867 still speaks a rare Russian...

Russian Language Day

Moscow’s Renaissance Moscow Olympic Hotel offers a unique opportunity to learn Russian and become closer to the Russian culture. Every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the 7 Sisters Café, a professional Russian language tutor awaits the...

Ukraine Considers Adding Russian

The Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, is supporting legislation that would make Russian the second official language in Ukraine. The proposed law has caused a stir in the media, as jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko...

Latvians Reject Proposal for Russian as Official Language

On Saturday, February 18, Latvians rejected a proposal to give Russian status as an official language of the state. According to the Christian Science Monitor, Russian is not only considered the mother tongue of...

Relaunch of America’s Languages Caucus

In April, America’s Languages Caucus was relaunched with the addition of new House co-chair Representative Jen Kiggans (R-Virginia 2). First-term congresswoman Kiggans, who joined Jimmy Panetta (D-California 20) in this important leadership role, brings...

Ukraine Focuses on Minority Languages

Last month, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in cooperation with the European Union and the Council of Europe, organized a round table event focusing on minority languages. The session, attended by...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall

There couldn’t be a better time for the new book Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall: Essential Shifts...
Language Magazine