Castilian at Its Source


With its impressive architecture, dynamic nightlife, and lavish museums teeming with the works of Goya, Dalí, and Picasso, Madrid offers ample cultural opportunity for the Spanish language student. As Europe’s highest capital at over 2000 feet above sea level, Madrid’s hot summer days give way to cool, clear winters in which snow is a rarity. The city’s distinguished Museo del Prado not only houses some of Spain’s preeminent 17th and 18th century paintings, but the building is itself a work of art, constructed in 1785 to house the Natural History Cabinet of Carlos III. The 250-year-old El Real Jardín Botánico exhibits over 30,000 species of plants and hosts courses for botanically-minded children and adults.A popular weekend destination, the city’s famed Parque del Buen Retiro dates back to the 17th century: its artificial lake is surrounded with imposing monuments, pastoral landscapes, and pathways that bustle with street performers.

don Quijote Madrid and Salamanca

The don Quijote Madrid school is located in the heart of this city’s lively and smart Argüelles District, just steps away from the Plaza de España. The school inhabits three floors of a luxuriously and tastefully renovated classical Madrid building dating back to the beginning of the last century. Salamanca is well-known for its educational institutions: The University of Salamanca was founded more than 700 years ago, making it one of Europe´s oldest. Its streets burst with life, its monuments are plentiful (Salamanca is a UNESCO-declared World Heritage Site), and it is recognized for the pure Castilian Spanish its inhabitants speak in what is considered the birthplace of the Spanish language. The don Quijote School in Salamanca is located in the heart of the city center and occupies a recently and beautifully restored 16th-century monastery. The school offers general intensive and super intensive Spanish courses from beginner to complete proficiency levels, as well as more specialized courses such as Business Spanish, Spanish and History/Art/Literature, D.E.L.E. preparation, and premium courses. Students can start any Monday; the schools are open year-round and class size is limited to a maximum of only eight students per group, guaranteeing a high level of personalized attention to each student.

For further info, visit

Centro Universitario Villanueva – Affiliated with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Their international programs are addressed to university students who want to perfect their Spanish and study different aspects of the Spanish and European reality –social, artistic, economic, etc- in depth. The courses take place in an international university environment, with students from different countries (Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, United Kingdom, Russia, among others) as well as Spanish students. Although learning the Spanish language and culture are the main goals of our programs, Villanueva offers the possibility to acquire the language while studying topics of special interest and focusing on the professional world of the student’s specialization: Business, Art, Law, Communication and Fashion.

Their goal is to enable the student to learn as much as possible during his/her stay at Villanueva, surrounded by an agreeable environment and tutored by qualified and experienced professionals.

The courses take place in the city of Madrid. Located in the center of the plain, it is the capital of the kingdom of Spain. Madrid is a modern and cosmopolitan city, with an ancient history and impressive artistic wealth. Excellent public transport network which connects the nerve centre of the city with all its residential districts and historical surroundings.

For further info, visit

Academia Actual Plus

Actual Plus is situated in a historic building minutes from Madrid’s most impressive monuments. The school has eight air-conditioned classrooms, free internet access, refreshments, and libraries. Experienced teachers guide students of all skills and levels with a maximum of eight students per class. The school has an authentic international ambience with an array of after-and-during-class activities. Books and movies are available to students to reinforce their learning.

Academia Madrid Plus

Situated in the heart of Madrid’s historic district, the academy’s courses are intensive, test preparatory, or recreational. The school provides varied opportunities to practice what is learned in class by encouraging students to experience every day Spanish life through cuisine, history, and art. The school is located in a a beautiful turn-of-the-century townhouse situated minutes from Puerta del Sol, the steps of the Royal Palace, and the El Prado museum. Theaters, cafes, restaurants, bars, shops, museums, and much more also surround the facility, which has a student lounge, computers, free internet access, a private study room, and seven classrooms.

For further information, visit

Linguaschools Madrid

Classes are offered to adults ages 17 and over, and meet the needs of students, travelers, and professionals alike. The school is located in Calle Mayor, mere minutes from the center of Madrid. An extensive cultural activity program is offered to foster contact between students, teachers, and school staff, including guided city tours, museum visits, cooking workshops, and weekend excursions to local cities like Toledo, Salamanca, and Segovia. Classes are taught in small groups of eight students or fewer, and are offered as intensive Spanish group courses, individual courses, and exam preparation courses. The team of Spanish teachers consists of qualified native speakers who have considerable experience in working with foreign students.

Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS

The traditions of the past and the dynamics of modern civilization come alive in Madrid, and Sprachcaffe Languages Plus is located in the heart of the city in a beautiful turn-of-the-century building. Just minutes away from the Puerta del Sol, the Royal Palace, and the El Prado museum, students can appreciate their perfect location from the school terraces with views of the Opera, and the Royal Palace. Apart from the standard and intensive courses for all language levels, the school also offers long-term academic courses preparing students for the D.E.L.E. examinations, university placements, and internship programs with a variety of established companies in Spain’s exciting capital. All courses are underpinned by the philosophy that language learning goes beyond the classroom door, and are thus supported by an extensive and vibrant program of social and cultural activities and excursions.

Madrid has a wide range of theatres, music halls, museums, palaces and monuments, as well as a cheerful social life in its taverns and bars. It´s a city that never sleeps and is known worldwide for its unique nightlife. Its traditional and popular celebrations set off the demanding entrepreneurial, financial and business life of the city.

Kate Sommers-Dawes is assistant editor for Language Magazine, and instituted a French and Art program for students in Los Angeles.

Perth, Australia

WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Perth – picknick in Kings Park

Broaden your horizons in Perth, Western Australia!

Each year, hundreds of American students travel to Perth to get a quality education and experience the unique Australian lifestyle. So… why Perth?

Here are 8 great reasons to study abroad in a place that is rated “the world’s fifth most liveable city”! (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2009)

1. World class education

Perth’s universities, vocational institutions, schools and English language colleges provide quality assured education with flexible study pathways and state-of-the-art facilities.

2. A lifestyle that’s hard to match

Perth offers one of the highest standards of living in the world, and is famous for its long days of sunshine, spotless blue skies, pollution-free environment, and welcoming and friendly people.

3. A leader in science and technology

If you study science in Perth, you will work alongside award-winning scientists and have the opportunity to contribute to life-changing projects.

4. The most multi-cultural state in Australia

People of more than 200 different nationalities live, work and study in Perth; speak over 170 languages; and practice over 100 religions.

5. Get a part-time job

If you are on a student visa, you will have the opportunity to work part-time for up to 20 hours per week. If you’re not a native speaker, it’s a great way to improve your English!

6. A perfect backdrop for festivals and fun

Perth is Western Australia’s cultural hub for arts and entertainment. Visit art galleries; enjoy a night of theatre, ballet, comedy or film; and experience the city’s outdoor festivals.

7. A city of opportunities

If you gain a qualification that’s recognised in the Western Australian Occupations in Demand List , you will be eligible for the General Skilled Migration program.

8. Discover a land of beauty

Whilst you are on your study break in Perth, don’t miss the opportunity to travel out of the city and experience the breathtaking natural phenomena that Western Australia has to offer.

July 2009

Searching for the Silver Bullet

July 2009 Cover
July 2009 Cover

Everyone seems to have the solution to improving public education and closing the achievement gap. More rigorous standards and even more testing are touted by some as the keys to success, while others seek salvation in technology, results-based teacher pay structures, universal preschool, or charter schools. Like most things in life, there is not a single solution but we can be sure that the most important factor in the success of our schools is the service provided by our teachers.

The latest report from the Center on Education Policy claims the mandates of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) have been largely successful and that, contrary to widespread concerns, have not sacrificed the needs of the highest and lowest achieving students in favor of those in the middle “proficient” level. However, Stephen Krashen points out, “The report was limited to the years 2002 through 2008, in other words, scores since NCLB went into effect. Previous analyses (Fuller et al, Lee) compared the rate of growth before NCLB and since NCLB went into effect, and reported that there was no increase in the rate of growth in reading scores. In other words, test scores have been going up for a long time. The question is whether NCLB made a difference. This study does not address this question. Nor does the study mention that NAEP reading scores have in general not improved since NCLB has gone into effect.”
An analysis of the significant jump in New York State test scores by Jennifer Jennings of Eduwonk suggests that the tests have grown less challenging and are more susceptible to test-prep manipulation.
Despite the general perception of charter school superiority, a new study by Harvard University finds a low cognitive demand placed on students in some high-performing charters, and suggests an emphasis on procedure over conceptual understanding.
While California Governor Schwarzenegger is proposing that text books be replaced by online content, seasoned educational experts are presenting evidence that tactual learning is the most effective method of language acquisition (see page 20).
Amongst all this conflicting evidence, there is something that we do know will help — improve teaching, and we know how to do it according to Linda Darling-Hammond, professor of Education at Stanford University, and one of President Obama’s educational advisors, “First, ensure that everyone who wants to teach is well-prepared. Second, ensure that salaries are competitive and equitable. Finally, create the conditions in which teachers can teach well. That means providing the mentoring and collaboration time, the professional development and working conditions that allow teachers to use what they know and to continually get better at their difficult and important work.”
While teachers across the nation are facing pay freezes and even cuts, and the efficacy of results-based pay systems is being challenged, a new charter school in a minority-dominant neighborhood of New York is being launched on the principle that great teachers make great schools, and paying them accordingly — at least $125,000 a year. In countries with admired educational systems, teachers are well-respected and highly-valued. It may not be the silver bullet but it will certainly put success within sight.


Shrinking Student Loans
Daniel Ward explains how teachers can combine student loan repayment programs to minimize qualification costs

Do As I Do
Rita Dunn and Lois R. Favre ask if we really know how to teach foreign languages

French in Fashion
Margot Steinhart explains why French is such a relevant language in the 21st Century

La Belle Epoque
Like many a Parisienne, Kate Sommers-Dawes faces the dilemma of choosing between the romance of the city and the captivating south of France

Mexico Makes Sense
Kate Sommers-Dawes explains why Mexico is a rational choice for Spanish immersion students

Plus all the latest news in language learning technology, book reviews, and source information on language funding


Perú, cononcido por Machu Pichu y el Imperio Inca, es hogar de 28 millones de personas. Con una historia extensa, Perú esta cubierto de lugares arqueológicos. Los visitantes no solo se maravillan por la arquitectura monumental, sino que también pueden sumergirse en las costumbres y actividades tradicionales Incas. Por ejemplo, los viajeros pueden participar de la expedición Llama en Huaraz, las prácticas de agricultura en las islas del Titicaca o de las comunidades sagradas del valle del Cuzco, o compartir las tecnicas de forestación y granjería en Porcon.


Peru, known for Machu Picchu and the Incan Empire, is home to 28 million people. With an extensive history, Peru is covered with archeological sites. Not only can visitors marvel at the monumental architecture, but they can also immerse themselves in the traditional Incan customs and activities. For example, travelers can participate in the Llama Trek in Huaraz, the agricultural practices on the Titicaca Islands or Cusco’s Sacred Valley communities, or share in the forestry and farm-working techniques in Porcon.

Peru is also the perfect destination for adventure and nature lovers. The Andes Mountains are ideal for trekking, camping, and mountain-climbing. The highlands are covered with more than 15,000 lakes, snow-capped peaks soaring over 6,000 meters, the world’s deepest canyons, and picturesque villages. The entire Andean chain offers unlimited opportunities for whitewater rafting, countless trails for mountain biking, and gusting winds for fans of hang-gliding. In contrast, Peru’s beaches provide visitors with a chance to scuba dive, surf, swim, and fish.

ACUPARI Language School, located in a Spanish colonial home in the center of Cusco, is a non-profit cultural association whose objective — via its Spanish, Quechua, and German language programs — is to promote an intercultural dialogue between the people of different cultures who gather in Cusco. The school offers all levels of courses, as well as for the traveler and the professional. All teaching staff are certified native speakers who are continuously trained.

A free service to the students is the Tandem Conversation practice, where the student is paired with a Peruvian Spanish speaker so that each can practice each other’s language. Students are also invited and encouraged to participate in a variety of social and cultural activities, as well as volunteer opportunities throughout Cusco. Students have the opportunity to live with a host family where they eat family meals and join in on family conversations and activities, thereby using and developing their Spanish skills.

For further information, visit

When Shirley Manrique, director of El Sol Spanish School, was asked why she recommend that students study Spanish at the school and not in their countries of origin, she gave us a long list of reasons: the purity of the Spanish spoken in Peru, personalized teaching by the institution, its methodology an know-how, the warmth of Peruvians, reflected in the host families, and many more.

It is difficult to choose one reason over the others or to put then in order of importance. All you need to do is to look at the visitor book, signed by students at the end of the effectiveness of the school’s methods. Some write in very good Spanish. Other – those who have studied for only a few days – prefer to use English, but proudly using phrases from their new Language. But all of them, through their words and photos, show how happy they are to have studied at El Sol.

The level of satisfaction is very high: more than 95% of students of many different nationalities. Though a majority come from North America and Asia, it has had German, Brazilian and Arab students. The methodology means that many languages can be heard in the same classroom.

Its courses are highly flexible, so that students can join classes and Monday without having to wait for a new group to star. The internal programs involve a maximum of five students. The school also provides external courses, made to measure for companies, embassies and NGOs, among others institutions. Students who cannot take the trip to Lima are encouraged to learn Spanish online with El Sol`s innovative “Web Spanish” program.

Christine Tsai is the editorial assistant for Language Magazine.


Colombia, at the northwestern tip of South America, has the third largest Spanish-speaking population in the world after Mexico and Spain. It is ethnically diverse, and the interaction between descendants of the original native inhabitants, Spanish colonists, African slaves and twentieth-century immigrants from Europe and the Middle East has produced a rich cultural heritage. This has also been influenced by Colombia’s incredibly varied geography. The majority of the urban centers are located in the highlands of the Andes mountains, but the country also encompasses Amazon rainforest, tropical grassland, and both Caribbean and Pacific coastlines.

Founded in 1991, the EAFIT Language Center at EAFIT University in Medellin offers high quality language programs based on the communicative approach. Students can choose from classes that last two weeks, four weeks, or ten weeks. The center also offers a conversation program that provides participants with the opportunity to practice Spanish with native speakers on a one-to-one basis. The center’s cultural orientation programs also allow students to become familiar with Colombia’s diverse culture.

For further information, please visit

La Sabana University is in Chía, right outside the capital city of Bogotá, nestled in the lush Andean mountains. A city famous for its multicultural, vibrant intellectual scene, Bogotá has long been known for its universities and its charming culture including theater festivals, world renowned museums, modern architecture and Spanish colonial neighborhoods, and Cumbia dancing. Colombia is a country rich in culture and surrounded by diverse natural landscapes including highlands, rainforests and tropical grasslands and two coasts. La Sabana offers a chance to experience this diversity and learn more about Colombian and Latin American business and economics, international relations from a Latin American perspective, and Latin American culture and society. Students can select from a range of region-specific courses including: Geo-Economic Restraints for Logistics Development in Emerging Countries, Colombia, Politics and Democracy in Latin America, From Mariachis to Samba: Culture, Politics and Society in 20th Century Latin America, Across the Andes in Search of Freedom, and Regional Trade Agreements. Students can transfer credits to their home institution.

Vive Español is a Spanish program run by Universidad de La Sabana´s Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures in Chia , Colombia. The main objective of the program is that students learn the language and improve communicative competences by working in the four language skills.

The program has eight different courses that students can choose from: General Spanish, Spanish for Tourism (conversational), General Spanish and Volunteer work, Spanish for Business Meetings, Spanish for Professionals (Business, Medicine, Law and Aviation), Tailor-made Spanish programs for companies, summer courses, and private lessons. The programs are flexible so students can choose when to start and for how many weeks.

All the facilities on campus such as the library, the university clinic, sports fields, and restaurants are shared with Spanish students. Accommodation and transportation assistance is provided by a dedicated support team. Students can take dance and culture classes at no additional cost.

The Instituto de Idiomas, located on the main campus of Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, offers a full range of intensive and semi-intensive Spanish programs. Its philosophy is to foster in students a respect for the diversity of Spanish speaking cultures and a desire to learn about them. The institute offers an intensive Spanish for Foreigners’ courses each year, as well as year-round programs tailored according to students’ needs. Each week, students spend around twenty hours in class studying grammar, reading/vocabulary, speaking/listening, and writing. Students have access to two fully-equipped language labs utilizing specialized software, a resource center, and a central library.

The Spanish for Foreigners Program combines multidisciplinary course offerings with a variety of social and cultural activities. Participants have the opportunity to become involved in intercultural exchange and understanding. Cultural activities include visits to local companies, tourist sites in Barranquilla and nearby cities such as Cartagena and Santa Marta.

LanguBridge Education Centre, Japan

With programs in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, LanguBridge’s summer Japanese programs are known for its intensive classes, a variety of culture activities and warm hearted host families. The classrooms are located in the center area of the city with easy access to subway and train stations, and the courses have a focus on improving the conversation skills. The programs include a variety of cultural activities, from tea ceremony to kimono, etc, the city trips include popular local attractions. The host families are carefully selected, they all have strong interests in sharing the Japanese culture with international students. The language immersion type programs focus on language learning through daily real life topics and integrated homestay culture experience, while the culture discovery type programs cover unique culture activities and long haul trips to places like Fuji Mountain, Kyoto, etc. Students are teens and youth from different countries of the world.


Beautiful Mont tremblant in Quebec, Canada.


The 100% French-speaking community of Rivière-du-Loup is located on the south shore of the St-Lawrence River, some 200 km east of Québec City, in the heart of the beautiful Lower St-Lawrence region.  Rivière-du-Loup has been a popular vacation area for more than a century with its spectacular natural environment and a perfect balance between the ocean and the countryside.

In Rivière-du-Loup, students are greeted with a warm welcome by this thriving community of 19,000 inhabitants who are always ready to share their enviable quality of life in the security of a small-town environment.

L’École de français du Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup has offered a French immersion program since 1974.  In addition to French courses, our program also comprises a variety of cultural activities and excursions.  Among the favorite excursions are recreational parks, beluga and whale watching as well as a two-day visit to Québec City not to mention an impressive variety of cultural activities in Rivière du-Loup.

For more information, please visit


The second largest French-speaking city in the world

Students going to Montréal have the advantage of being at the hub of North-American history. The architecture of Montréal is so spectacular that they’ll think they’re walking through Europe when they head into Old Montréal.

The city is one of Canada’s most unique and lively cities, offering a perfect blend of the old and new. Culturally, there are few cities that beat it. There is little doubt that Montréal has some of the finest restaurants and bars in North America, a daunting number of museums located in and around the city and it goes without saying that shoppers will swoon at the sight of Montréal’s downtown core, with over 3,000 shops.

Among its internationally renowned festivals are the Montréal Just for Laughs Festival, the Jazz Festival, both featuring hundreds of different shows that attract thousands of visitors from around the world. The musical festivals of Nuits d’Afrique and Francofolies also offer free outdoor shows and a magical atmosphere.

Université de Montréal – Faculté de l’éducation permanente – École de français

Learn French in a renowned language school in Montréal, a city rich in culture and diversity. Each year, around 5,000 students attend the École de français of the Université de Montréal. With the many activities offered, students find themselves in the heart of the francophone culture.

For further information visit

Académie Linguistique Internationale

Montréal is famous for fabulous festivals, sizzling nightlife, European charm, and North American energy. Canada’s second largest city is also its bilingual city and a unique destination that gives you the opportunity to study and practice both French and English while enjoying its cosmopolitan, international atmosphere.

A.L.I.-Académie Linguistique Internationale, founded in 1993, is located in a modern high-rise building right in the heart of downtown Montréal. Students can choose both English and French language programs, participate in many extra-curricular activities and excursions, and stay with an English or French speaking family, or choose an apartment style shared residence.

A.L.I. offers quality programs, modern, spacious facilities with scenic views and a great location. Students can also take advantage of the unique option to study French or English, and receive free classes in the second language. Course options include: general French and English classes of all levels, TOEFL, TOEIC, DELF, TESL, Business Communication courses as well as Internships.

In the summer, youth from 8-15 years old can enjoy their Summer ESL/Sports Camp with university residence.

A.L.I. organizes many exciting activities and excursions that students can enjoy year-round including eating at the fine French and international cuisine in Montréal’s world renowned restaurants or exploring the night life on pub night, seeing the city from the lookout at beautiful Mount-Royal park, exploring colonial Old Montréal, or seeing the Canadiens hockey team among many other options. No other Canadian city is as ideally placed for visiting other cities: Québec city, Ottawa, New York, Boston, Toronto and Niagara are all within an easy day’s journey.

For more information visit or contact: [email protected]

École Charade

École Charade offers “à la carte” and general language training for companies and individuals, with classes taught onsite, online and at the school’s offices in the heart of downtown Montréal. French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese language courses are available on a private, semi-private and small group basis.

This year, Charade has redesigned its training programs for business people. Courses focused on business communication, language proficiency and directed conversation are now more specific than ever, with the balance of written and spoken language learning determined by participants. Participants can also opt for classroom, telephone of Internet instruction (Skype and webcam). In addition to its basic language courses, Charade offers special modules, with new workshops on Effective Business and Seminar Presentations, Negotiation Skills, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Networking available effective fall 2009 for corporate clients

Individuals benefit from the same course options as Charade’s corporate clients. As of this summer, those who love to travel can choose from crash courses in a variety of languages, including Castilian, Russian, Japanese, Arabic and Turkish. Instructors are all mother-tongue speakers of the languages they teach and delighted to share their cultural knowledge with participants who are preparing for trips

For more information, visit


Member of the CEC Network, a network of Canadian schools renowned for its commitment to quality language training, M.I.I.L.A. offers Intensive English and French programs in a friendly atmosphere. Our school has a superb location, downtown Montreal, one step away from unique Ste Catherine street. We have built a reputation for providing high quality language courses and one of the many things students love here at MIILA are the small groups, with a maximum of 10 students. Our teachers use a very dynamic and interactive approach to teaching, results are impressive and students returned home mastering the language they came to learn! As there is always something happening in Montreal and practising English or French outside the classroom is also a great way to improve the every day language development, our Activities Coordinator make sure there are plenty of organised school activities which students can participe in. Be part of an experience you will never forget!

For further information visit


Along Spain’s northeasterly coast lies Cataluña, the region that, perhaps somewhat unfairly, lays claim to both the urban center of Barcelona and the Costa Brava, or “wild coast,” with its rocky coves and turquoise Mediterranean vistas. The autonomous region is also the birthplace of surrealist icon Salvador Dalí and located just outside Barcelona is the museum that honors him, a fanciful burgundy structure crowned with enormous egg sculptures.

Barcelona, Cataluña’s capital, is fêted as cosmopolitan and sophisticated, and evidence in support of these monikers abounds: its Park Güell is only one of Gaudí’s countless architectural marvels with its circuitous benches and slanting colonnades. Santa María del Mar, a medieval Catalan gothic cathedral, was commissioned in honor of the capture of Sardinia, and its construction lends itself impeccably to the occasional concert that takes place inside. The bustling boulevard Las Ramblas is an outstanding example of the spirit of Barcelona, where numerous stands selling flowers, newspapers, or birds and an abundance of street performers, cafes, and terraces enrich the landscape. The exceptional climate and its sandy beaches make Barcelona an attractive tourist proposition year round.
The Catalan language is the pride of its people despite the suppression of its use until the 1970s under Franco’s dictatorship. Thriving in spite of such historical subjugation, this romance language can be heard abundantly throughout the region and is an official language alongside Spanish — its success gives outsiders prime insight into the resilience and determination of the Catalans.

Schools in Barcelona

For two years in a row (2006, 2007), The Wall Street Journal picked ESADE’s MBA program as the best in the world. There is no question that the school owes its reputation mainly to its business programs. However in addition to the business school, tourism, and law schools, ESADE has a prestigious language center. ESADE’s Executive Language Center offers Spanish intensive language courses, not only to foreign students already enrolled in any of the law or business programs, but to anyone interested in Spanish learning. One strong selling point of ESADE-ELC is its Barcelona location. The building was initially meant as a language instruction facility and now hosts both the MBA programs in addition to the language school. Another key to the success of the ELC is the quality of the professors; Delia Castro, head of the Spanish Department, was formerly the Head of the Master’s Program for Teachers of Spanish as a Second Language at the Universitat de Barcelona. The school policy allows a maximum of 10 students per group, facilitating individual attention. ESADE is also open to establishing tailor-made summer programs for foreign universities, which could include Spanish classes, company and cultural visits, and business-related topics, taught in either English or Spanish. Foreign students at ESADE experience life in one of the most beautiful cities in the world while studying Spanish at a prestigious business and language school.

For further info, visit

The School of Modern Languages of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), offers intensive Spanish courses running all year with start dates every month and tailor-made programs for groups. Courses enable students to make rapid progress and use Spanish in an effective and practical way. They also introduce students to the cultural and social customs of the country. The school’s teaching method is based on a communicative approach with a special focus on practicing oral expression, which includes interactive activities to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, students learn strategies to continue studying the language on their own. Teachers are qualified and experienced language teaching professionals, dedicated to providing a successful learning experience. The school is in an impressive art nouveau building, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the center of Barcelona. UAB Idiomes Barcelona also offers accommodation, visits to some of the many interesting local sites and events in Barcelona, and exchanges with local students. All courses are certified by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and are valid for university credits.

For further info, visit

Students can take 20 or 25 lessons per week for as long as they like, starting any Monday. Classes are held from Monday to Friday during the mornings or afternoons, and have an average of eight students. abcCollege is located in a modern building, custom-built to guarantee effective and comfortable language learning. All classrooms are equipped with audio-visual facilities. The school also has a large conference hall and a computer room with free internet access, as well as a penthouse bar-terrace with panoramic views of Barcelona.
It’s location in the city center, near the Plaza Molina, is well-connected by major metro and bus routes.

Camino Barcelona
Located in the center of Barcelona, Camino Barcelona provides on-site accommodation and offers a wide variety of courses in well-equipped classrooms with a maximum class size of ten. All classrooms are air-conditioned and it has a cafeteria, three sunny terraces, and free wireless internet connection. In the on-site student residence, students have the opportunity to enjoy en suite bathrooms, hydro-massage showers, balconies, modern kitchens, and flat-screen televisions in every apartment. The school is located in a lively street in the Eixample neighborhood, a ten-minute walk from Plaza Cataluña and Las Ramblas. Eixample is famous for its many shops, restaurants, and bars — where there are endless possibilities to meet people.

IH Barcelona
International House offers a wide range of top quality Spanish language courses in a number of Spain’s most exciting locations. These include Barcelona, Córdoba, Palma de Mallorca, Madrid, San Sebastián, Sevilla, Valencia, and Vejer (Cádiz). Apart from the language courses themselves, each school also provides a long list of other services including an airport meeting and transfer service, accommodation placement, engaging programs of social and cultural activities and opportunities to meet people from the local community. The details of the courses and other services on offer vary to an extent from school to school, but the quality of service is guaranteed by the fact that all the schools share the same rigorous and externally verified standards.
IH Barcelona is located in the center of that sensational city, within easy walking distance of all the most famous landmarks including the gothic quarter, the Ramblas, Gaudi’s most famous buildings, and the city’s sandy beach.
The school has an international reputation and is one of the largest teacher training centers in the world. Every year thousands of students and hundreds of trainee teachers take a course at IH Barcelona.
Students can follow an entire study program at IH Barcelona, or they can combine a period of study in Barcelona with a period spent in one of the other IH centers in Spain. In both cases, full time students from the U.S. can usually obtain study credits for the course from their own university or college.

inlingua Barcelona
At inlingua, students begin speaking Spanish from their first lesson. Spanish lessons use the inlingua method and focus on specific language skills such as speaking, grammar, listening, and pronunciation. Moreover, it is the only school within the inlingua network authorized to perform the DELE-exams, which are the only exams leading to official certification in the Spanish language. The inlingua Barcelona Spanish Department is located in an old, recently renovated building in the city center, and is equipped with all facilities necessary for a modern school of languages.

Kate Sommers-Dawes is assistant editor for Language Magazine.

Going Deutsch

Deutsch Map of Germany with the decoration of the national flag.Kate Sommers-Dawes explores destinations in which to learn the language of Goethe

Spreading from Germany throughout Austria, Switzerland, and beyond to become the most widely spoken language in Europe and the second most commonly spoken language in Eastern Europe (after Russian), the German language has become prominent in business, publishing, and research.

Germany, which possesses one of the world’s largest economies and is among its strongest exporters, also offers a host of business opportunities through its multinational corporations such as BMW and Siemens.

Berlin and Munich are among the most popular destinations for language immersion, however, quality schools are found throughout the country. There are various recognized German qualifications of which the most-widely recognized for university entrance are the DSH — Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (German Language Test for College Admission for Foreign Students) and the TestDaF — Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Test (of) German as a Foreign Language). The DZD (Das Zertifikat Deutsch) is an internationally recognized proof of a basic working knowledge of the German administered by the Goethe Institute, and the TELC certificates are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Berlin, the country’s capital, is crisscrossed with Radwege, or bike paths, providing an eco-friendly way to tour the city and its sights. Museums are plentiful and their diverse exhibits cover topics ranging from the Ramones to Jewish history to Checkpoint Charlie, the access point between the former East and West Germanys. Modern art installations abound, such as the Badeschiff, an old cargo container transformed into a public pool as part of a city arts project on the city’s River Spree.

As the capital of the federal state of Bavaria, Munich is located near the base of the Alps and is another bike-friendly city. Millions descend upon the city each year for its world-renowned Oktoberfest, but Munich is also distinguished by its historic architecture, numerous parks, and National Theater, a luminous art space that has played host to the premier productions of opera giants, including Wagner’s Das Reingold. Heidelberg’s romantic Philosopher’s Walk and its fairy tale castle and the towering spires of Hamburg’s many churches add elements of diversity to Germany’s landscape, making the country a unique destination for the language traveler.

German Immersion Schools


Berlin Language Center — Iberika Group

The German capital has recently become one of the most attractive capitals of Europe, evident in the millions of tourists that visit Berlin each year, drawn to the history of the city as well as its cultural and artistic wealth, nightlife, and extraordinary festivals. Berlin’s lifestyle is perfect for learning German, because it is easy to meet new people and practice the language in its cosmopolitan atmosphere. The Iberika Group was founded in 1996 as a representative of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula.

Since 1999, the center has offered a wide range of German courses designed for visitors from abroad; from intensive to semi-intensive as well as long term programs. The center is an official TELC center and DZD examiner, and provides expert preparation for the DSH. The team of instructors is composed of highly qualified native speakers with extensive experience, and classes are small so that every student receives personal attention. The school organizes guided tours of the city by boat, bike, or on foot as well as various excursions to lakes and cities nearby.

The accommodations have been specifically chosen to provide students with a comfortable and pleasant stay in Berlin.

For further information, visit

GLS Campus Berlin

prides itself as the only language school in Germany with its own campus, which is located in a trendy district in central Berlin, and consists of a garden, two student residences, a restaurant, and book store. In October 2008, GLS Berlin was voted “best language school in Germany” by educational travel professionals in more than 60 countries. GLS offers German language courses all year round and is an official testing center for the DZD.

For further info, visit


Six months ago, the A – Z Deutsch school…

was opened in Freiburg by three experienced teachers intent on creating a relaxed school with dynamic teaching. Students can start on any Monday and after classes, computer exercise programs are available for individual study along with flexible evening classes. Also on offer are a variety of activities such as guided city tours and evening get-togethers. The school offers German intensive courses at all levels and prepares students for exams like TestDaf and DSH, which must be passed before studying at a German university. Accommodation and tandem partners can be arranged.

Students who learn German in Berlin study in the heart of Europe, in a city of contrast and fusion: East meets West, history meets future, arts meet underground. As a European center of politics, culture, and arts, thousands of students are attracted to Berlin’s unique cultural vibrancy, sizzling creativity and raw charm. Freie Universität Berlin is one of Germany’s premier institutions of higher education, founded in 1948, with an enrollment of about 32,000 students.

The university has  a large percentage of foreign students and numerous partnerships with foreign universities. The university offers two ways to learn German, both in line with the American academic calendar. FUBiS offers intensive four to six week-long sessions in the summer or winter in which students can earn academic credits. Students in FU BEST, the Berlin European Studies Program, commit themselves to a full term or even a year at FU Berlin.

Both programs offer intensive German language classes at various proficiency levels and subject classes in cultural studies, art history, comparative literature, the European Union, German history, German and European politics, sociology/psychology, film studies, comparative religion, and philosophy mostly taught in English by distinguished German and international faculty.

During various field trips students explore the German capital, enjoy Berlin’s rich museum landscape, monuments and memorials, concerts halls and opera houses, stage and movie theaters, pubs and clubs, and range of recreational offerings. Students are offered a choice of housing options, including home stay.

The German Academic Triangle is made up of the Universities of Dortmund, Bochum, and Duisburg-Essen and is an alliance of innovative universities along the Ruhr river, called the University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr.

The universities are currently selecting American university partners for the co-development of language and learning programs, focusing especially on dynamic programs for engineering, natural and social sciences students. Currently-offered programs include Dortmund’s International Summer Program (ISP), which allows students from partner universities to learn German while taking experiential courses in applied engineering, mathematics, and European business, Bochum’s REACH program, where German lessons and global competency training are combined with hands-on summer research internships in Bochum’s laboratories, and Duisburg-Essen’s Automotive Summer program, focusing on courses in robotics and automation, combined with German culture and language classes.

Hessen International

Now that courses are widely offered in English, students without German language skills can take advantage of Germany’s excellent reputation in fields such as engineering, business, and the sciences. The school’s students want to can earn credits in their major while gaining insight into German culture and a head start at learning the language.

At the Hessen:ISUs — Hessen International Summer Universities – a diverse group of students meet at universities in the scenic and lively state of Hessen to participate in four-week long summer sessions in fields as diverse as Bioethics and Law, European Integration, Environmental Engineering, and Music Therapy. The five locations in Frankfurt, Fulda, Giessen, Kassel, and Marburg represent the diversity of the state with a major financial capital, a Baroque city surrounded by rolling hills, and one of Germany’s most charming university towns, complete with half-timber houses, winding rivers, and cobblestone streets once traversed by the Brothers Grimm.

Language courses – at all levels – are mandatory at each of the Hessen:ISUs, but learning also comes naturally through day-to-day interactions with German students and people in the towns and cities where the courses are located. At the University of Kassel, students live with host families and are assigned German “tandem partners” to practice their growing language skills and programs include excursions which take advantage of Hessen’s own natural and cultural resources, as well as its location right in the center of Germany.

Trips to wind farms for the groups working with renewable energy or the European Central Bank for the finance majors coexist alongside rafting, hiking, and, of course, exploring castles, museums, and cafes.

Munich is a safe and beautiful city filled with both old world tradition and all the vitality and culture of a big city with a small town atmosphere. In less than an hour on public transportation lie the Alps with their beautiful castles surrounded by rolling hills and glistening lakes.

The Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU)…

is located in the heart of the city and is one of the leading research universities in Europe. Fifteen percent of its approximately 44,000 students come from abroad. During the summer months, LMU offers an extended program of German language courses and other Summer Academies through MISU – the Munich International Summer University.

MISULMU participants enjoy an attractive program of extracurricular activities. The language courses on various levels are designed to teach German within its academic, cultural and social context, so that students deepen their knowledge of Germany whilst simultaneously developing their language skills. Extracurricular activities include lectures, films and field trips to points of local and national cultural significance (Castle Neuschwanstein, the Dachau Concentration Camp, for example).

Tutors also participate in these activities and are available for consultation. Affordable housing is arranged in LMU’s student dormitories (single rooms in shared apartments with high-speed internet access).

Language International

is a leading global language travel agency with 12 language schools in Germany located all around the country, from the northern river-port city of Hamburg, to the political capital Berlin, to the financial center Frankfurt, to the Bavarian cities of Munich and Erlangen, to the smaller but equally exciting cities of Constance, Ellwangen, and Freudental for those looking for something off the beaten path. With the option to choose multiple locations in Germany, students can maximize their experience by seeing more of the country while improving their language skills. Language International has a team of German-speaking student advisors who have all studied in Germany and know the country intimately.

Universität Heidelberg,

Germany’s oldest and according to the most recent U.S. News & World Report ranking best German university, provides their students with a deeply cosmopolitan atmosphere. The International Summer School on German language and culture offers three different courses, each with their own diverse set of challenges.

The comprehensive language-course program for all levels of proficiency is supplemented by a large variety of seminars, lectures, work groups and talks concentrating on literature, philosophy, history, current affairs and area studies. A special continuing-education course is designed for international German teachers and students of German language and literature. Its goal is to expand the participants’ language abilities and enrich their German teaching skills.

The third course provides training in business German. The range of topics include among other things the EU, German business culture, banks and stock exchange, and social systems. Lectures by Heidelberg academics, excursions to other interesting areas and cities within Germany, cultural events and social get-togethers compliment all programs of the International Summer School.

Language classes are held in the morning; in the afternoon, participants can take part in a variety of classes related to their course level as well as other workshops and lectures. All participants receive a certificate of attendance. Additional diplomas are issued to those who pass a written examination. The diploma is equivalent to 4 credit points on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). All courses run from August 2nd to August 27th, 2010. The International Summer School also arranges accommodation.

The Humboldt-Institut e.V.

is a non-profit association established in 1977 for teaching German as a foreign language. They maintain 20 (mostly summer, but also several year-round) language centers all over Germany where they offer highly intensive courses for juniors, teenagers, adults, 50+ students and executives. Hence, they have courses for nearly every type of learner.

Their schools offer one of the few residential German language school available and open year-round for young international students (10-17), as well as the Germany’s only residential school for executives, located in a beautiful Baroque Castle, where they teach highly intensive German courses (40 lessons/week) either in mini-groups or one-to-one tuition.

Their residential,schools enhances the learning process as well as the enjoyment of the common experience. Students are taught in small classes of approx. 5 – 10 students. A standard course comprises 30 lessons per week.

At the Humboldt-Institut a total beginner with no previous German skills can usually complete the TestDaF exam in as little as 8 months, with a close to 100% success rate! They guarantee a swift learning process due to the total immersion program and reliable tutoring.

Course fees usually include tuition, books, accommodation, full board, excursions (to cities like Munich or Berlin and important sights like the Fairy King’s Castle Neuschwanstein) and an interesting leisure time program (with a variety of different sports, creative and cultural activities).

Kate Sommers-Dawes is assistant editor for Language Magazine.

Language Magazine