September 2009

The Assessing Situation

September 2009 Cover
September 2009 Cover
The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor are affording the American people an invaluable insight into the ingrained prejudices that prevail in our society, as well as the procedural anomalies that assist in their continuance.
Beneath the disturbing questioning of the validity of being a “wise Latina” and Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s puerile and astonishingly inappropriate impersonation of Ricky Ricardo, informing Sotomayor that she had “some ‘splainin’ to do,” there exists an underlying concern that Sotomayor’s interrogators are oblivious to their task of determining whether or not she has the requisite intelligence and experience for the role, and would rather score points by demeaning her. On top of which, there is considerable doubt about the validity of so-called expert testimony which not only undermines these confirmation hearings, but also calls into question the opinions of the Supreme Court itself.
The criticism of the Judge’s statement that her personal experience has shaped her thinking is contrary to the fundamental principle that we should learn from our experiences, but it seems to indicate that education, intellect, and expertise count for little in politics.
These hearings, like most Washington hearings, rely heavily on “expert” testimony but the choice of these experts seems to be based on proving a point rather than a desire for the truth. For example, over the last few weeks, the Center for Equal Opportunity, a small conservative think tank opposed to affirmative action and bilingual education, has been blessed with at least two opportunities to make its voice heard in the highest chambers. Linda Chavez, its chairman, a Reagan appointee, and a political analyst for Fox News, delivered testimony in opposition to Sotomayor’s appointment, claiming that the Judge “made dubious arguments in support of bilingual education and more broadly in trying to equate English language requirements as a form of national origin discrimination.” The organization was also called in to assist the Supreme Court in its decision to side with Arizona officials who said the federal government should not be supervising the state’s spending for teaching non-English-speaking students (Horne v. Flores, see p.9). Justice Alito’s majority opinion cited an amicus brief filed by the Center: “Research on [English-Language Learner] instruction indicates there is documented, academic support for the view that [structured English immersion] is significantly more effective than bilingual education.”
Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion — Chavez served as president of U.S. English, an English-only organization —and we all know that research and statistics can be manipulated to serve several different points of view, however a Supreme Court Justice has a duty to seek out a balance of research before coming to an opinion, and, in this case, Alito has chosen to ignore the wealth of research which suggests that bilingual education is more successful than English-only.
Our representatives should be the best and the brightest, not simply people who agree with us. We have a President who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and deserve representatives in all sectors of government who recognize the value of research, education, and true expertise.
In this issue, like every September, we publish a focus on assessment but never before has nearly all of our news section been devoted to the same subject. Testing has become a very contentious issue and nowhere is it more controversial than in the English language learning arena.
At the same time, the Obama administration has just unveiled the core of its education program. The centerpiece of the administration’s education reform efforts is the $4.35 billion Race to the Top Fund, a national competition which is intended to highlight and replicate effective education reform strategies in four main areas, including the adoption of internationally benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the workplace. According to the President, “This competition will not be based on politics, ideology, or the preferences of a particular interest group. Instead, it will be based on a simple principle — whether a state is ready to do what works. We will use the best data available to determine whether a state can meet a few key benchmarks for reform — and states that outperform the rest will be rewarded with a grant. Not every state will win and not every school district will be happy with the results.”
The idea that standardized testing can easily gauge the performance of teachers and schools, and thus shape policy seems so simple and logical that it is not surprising that it attracts so many supporters. Like most things in life, the reality is a lot more complicated and standardized tests tell only part of the story.
Testing is a very important step toward improving schools, teaching practice, and educational methods through data collection. Schools and teachers have always used assessments to determine not only the progress of their students but also the efficacy of their teaching. However, high-stakes testing where the results affect funding, jobs, school closures, and careers is much more prone to manipulation —

discrepancies result from current state standardized testing practices, including problems with test validity and reliability, and false correlations due to statistical paradoxes. Some school districts have even been accused of encouraging underperforming students to drop out to improve their test stats.

Another problem is that standardized tests enforce a mandatory curriculum be placed on schools without public debate and without any accountability measures which contradicts the basic democratic principle that control of schools’ curricula is the responsibility of local school boards.
There is also evidence that standardized tests encourage “teaching to the test” at the expense of creativity and in-depth coverage of subjects not on the test. Multiple choice tests can only assess certain skills. Basing teacher pay and advancement on student test results will further aggravate these problems.
Of course, our students, teachers, and schools need to assess progress, and this progress needs to be monitored by school boards and policy makers. Thankfully, there is a wide range of assessments available (including alternatives like portfolio assessment) to help monitor progress but we also need to look at the bigger picture of what we expect our schools to produce. Standardized tests only enable us to view a small part of that picture.


Multilingualism in New Mexico
Mary Jean Habermann-López uses her state’s unique history to illustrate the importance of multilingualism

No Assessment Fits All
Candace Kelly and Adelina Alegria question the value of high stakes testing for English Learners

Communication in a Crisis
Wade Calhoun introduces a voluntary organization that breaks down language barriers when disaster strikes

Raising the Bar
Language Magazine’s pick of linguistic and literacy assessments

Spanish with Altitude
Kate Sommers-Dawes travels the Andes in search of Spanish immersion highlights

Going the Course
Language Magazine’s guide to the latest core programs for English learners

Plus all the latest news in language learning technology, book reviews, and source information on language funding


Located in the south, Spain’s Andalucía region is home to such preeminent cities as Seville, Málaga, Córdoba, and Granada. Due to Andalucía’s history of hundreds of years of Moorish rule, its countryside is dotted with spectacular monuments. One such celebrated landmark is the Alhambra in Granada, a medieval palace built by Muslim rulers whose Arabic name means “the red fortress” and whose crimson walls are embellished with ancient Arabic poetry. Another of Andalucía’s architectural triumphs is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Seville, known as the Giralda. Originally built in the 12th century as the minaret of the mosque that once stood on the site, the Giralda endures as a synthesis of Almohad and Spanish renaissance architecture.

The Mezquita of Córdoba, another magnet for travelers, is an eighth century mosque of onyx columns and gilded ceilings that is today a cathedral and is characterized by architecture that has been slowly transformed over centuries of invasions and additions. Its belfry’s pinnacle offers a spectacular view of the Courtyard of the Orange Trees below and the city beyond.

The region’s climate and beaches have made it a popular European tourist destinations, but it still retains its mysterious, authentic flavor.

Schools in Andalucia

Carmen de las Cuevas

After traveling through alleys of Granada, visitors to this school reach an ancient gateway with a sign that reads Carmen de las Cuevas. On opening the door, students enter a maze of staircases, classrooms, a library, terraces, and patios. A subtle sound of Flamenco music from someone practicing the guitar accompanies the visit while Carmen, who has been running the school for 25 years, hosts the tour. Terrace views include the Alhambra, the centuries-old Moorish fortress. Carmen de las Cuevas is an Instituto de Cervantes-accredited school, and offers courses from a beginner’s first words to preparation courses for the official Spanish diplomas (DELE). The school offers an interactive and cross-situational learning environment, where students use their Spanish in activities such as guided visits in and around Granada, horseback riding, or cookery classes, and is also a renowned Flamenco school. Thus, students can combine Spanish classes with Flamenco, be it by dancing or playing the guitar.

Escuela de Idiomas Nerja

Nerja is a town of 20,000 inhabitants situated on the Costa del Sol near Málaga that still retains its traditional Andalusian character. It is surrounded by mountains and beautiful beaches. Its climate, with an average year-round temperature of 68ºF, is ideal. Farming, fishing, and tourism are its main income sources. Escuela de Idiomas Nerja, founded in 1980, is situated in the center of the old town in a typical Andalusian house with a large garden, terraces, and patio, only a few minutes walk from accommodations, shops, and beaches. The school has 16 comfortable classrooms and offers 14 intensive Spanish programs with four to six classes per day from one to 36 weeks. The student population is diverse, and the school has its own accommodation, Club Costa Nerja, which has 28 rooms with private bathrooms. Apartments and host family accommodations are also available. It is accredited by the Instituto Cervantes.

For further information visit

Instituto Andalusi

The school opened in 2002 and offers spanish courses for people from different countries. They offer Intensive Courses for adults and children but also preparation courses for the D.E.L.E. exam and business Spanish.

The school is situated in a very quiet area near the sea and therefore it is possible to hold classes in the garden. In the school’s garden there is a swimming pool which invites you to cool off while improving your tan. The Andalusian patio, with its shady trees and a barbeque provides an ideal opportunity to become better acquainted to other students.

In their Arabian style “bodega” we provide computers with free internet access as well as a TV with international channels and a library, where you can rent both movies and books.

The school building consists of seven tastefully decorated classrooms.

Excursions and activities: The Instituto Andalusi, offers a variety of excursions and activities, which focus on the Spanish language and culture, such as excursions to Cordoba, Granada, Seville and Morocco but also visits of museums, memorials and churches in Malaga. Moreover we are offering activities in the school building like cooking class of Paella or other Spanish specialities. At the beginning of the course (once in a month) our students are welcomed with a party and at the end of the course (once a month) they get a farewell party. It is also possible to rent cars, motor bikes and bicycles in the school.

For further information visit

Escuela Montalbán

Escuela Montalbán-TANDEM Granada has been teaching Spanish as a foreign language since 1986, is accredited by the Instituto Cervantes, and is also a DELE examination center. The school facility, with its Andalusian architectural style, friendly classrooms, and beautiful courtyard, retains much of the charm and intimacy of a family home. It is situated in a quiet location just ten minutes away from the city center. An extensive cultural program always complements Spanish courses. Over the last few years, Escuela Montalbán’s complementary cultural program for Body & Mind has gained great popularity among students. Students can choose five different options: Spanish traditional cooking classes, dance courses such as Flamenco and Tango, horse riding in the Sierra Nevada national park, or trekking in the Alpujarras. The school is a member of TANDEM International network of language schools. The Spanish in Spain Program gives students the opportunity to study in two different cities in one trip in collaboration with the other schools in San Sebastián, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and Cádiz.

Tools for Teaching English to Students

Students studying in college libraryLanguage Magazine’s selection of products
that incorporate technology into the ESL classroom

Alloy Multimedia

ESL ReadingSmart is a web-based English language learning environment
founded on a unique instructional design. It is easily implemented
as a student-centered, stand-alone application or a blended learning
environment, integrating online student work and classroom instruction.

The program offers individualized, content-based instruction to
develop English language proficiency with emphasis on literacy and
cross-curricular vocabulary development for newcomers, beginners,
intermediate, early advanced, and advanced English learners.
It monitors student progress, and tracks students’ readability and
grade gains based on The Lexile Framework for Reading, providing
daily, weekly, and on-demand student reports. Tracking is at individual,
class, school and district level.

Several independent studies have shown that ESL ReadingSmart is
an effective intervention program that raises students’ reading and language
scores. This year’s independent study was presented in the
National Forum of Teacher Education Journal in April. The authors stated,
“by working with culturally appropriate text at their functional reading
level, students were able to demonstrate gains while experiencing
literature that may not otherwise have been available to them.”
The program’s user friendly interface is backed by a team of professionals
always available to answer questions and provide support.
New content is regularly added so students and teachers are never
saddled with static software.


Podcasts provide new ways for students to interact with the content
matter as well as to demonstrate their learning. By creating podcasts,
students can display and extend their creativity using audio as a
means of self-expression. In addition, teachers can use podcasts to
communicate regularly with parents by posting school updates on their
web site. They can also publish lesson guides in a podcast format to
help students who many have missed sections, or who simply need
reinforcement when completing homework assignments.

MP3 players are especially useful in language learning and ELL
classrooms, where students may need additional reinforcement or
teacher guidance outside the classroom. Recording a podcast in a
language learning environment can illustrate to the teacher how well a
student’s pronunciation, diction and understanding have progressed
over time. Plus, it allows teachers to keep a digital file of each student’s
progress, which is helpful for long-term assessment.

The easy-to-use MP3 player includes a built-in microphone and
dual headphone jacks — both industry firsts — making it ideal for
learning centers, language labs and libraries. The playback volume is
also capped at 85dB for hearing safety.

English Computerized Learning
Pronunciation Power

Pronunciation Power products are user- friendly, interactive programs
for beginner to advanced English learners of all ages. They are excellent
tools for students to learn correct English pronunciation. The easy,
effective design has numerous lessons and exercises for practice using
visual and auditory feedback.

Pronunciation Power 1 and 2 include lessons for individual sound
work and speech recognition. The lessons include animated, graphic
side views to teach how each sound is made. There are extensive
practice exercises in: listening, comparative words, and in word and
sentence pronunciation including intonation for syllable or word stress.
The 8 in 1 Interactive English Dictionary teaches the meaning and
pronunciation of words using pictures and sentences and has several
unique searches, such as “search by word ending.”

All instructions and lessons for both programs are available in 12
different languages.

Pronunciation Power also offers: Introductory English Grammar and
Vocabulary with Color Key. This program uses a unique Color Key to
help you learn and remember the English grammar and vocabulary
that need for basic communication in English. After completing the
Lesson, you can test yourself by trying the exercises for the lesson.
Their score is automatically given when you complete the exercise.
The Idiom program uses memorable and unique pictures and exercises
to aid the student in remembering idioms.

All products are available by CD, download or online membership.

SunSprouts Interactiv

Delightful characters, funny stories, and fascinating leveled nonfiction
give K-3 students compelling reasons to read, write and explore text
with SunSprouts Interactive, the literacy software system from
ETA/Cuisenaire. Whether the child is new to English or fluent in the language,
this interactive CD-ROM offers targeted activities that require little
preparation by the teacher, and make it easy to tailor instruction to
proficiency levels. The flexible and engaging program creates a complete
interactive literacy learning station with activities for building comprehension,
fluency, vocabulary skills, and writing.

SunSprouts Interactive focuses on aspects of the English language that are often
difficult for children reading in a second language, including development
of vocabulary awareness, grammatical forms, and idiomatic
expressions. The lessons are filled with alliteration, rhymes, and other
repetitive structures that familiarize ESL students with English.
The program immerses students in developing sight-word recognition
and vocabulary as they follow along while text is read aloud, then
record their own oral reading and play it back to hear their voices.

SunSprouts Interactive also allows students to create and illustrate
original texts that can be “published” and shared. The software
records students’ scores for teacher review, and assessments track
development of literal, inferential, and visual comprehension skills.
Reports can be generated by student or for the entire class. The flexibility
of this program allows teachers to assign specific individual lessons,
or group students with similar skills and needs. SunSprouts
Interactive can be used as a supplemental resource with any reading
program to reinforce skills and track progress.

Franklin Electronic Publishers
12 Language Speaking Global Translator

The Speaking Global Translator contains over 450,000 words (including
335,000 inflections) and 12,000 phrases, and speaks 115,000
words in recorded human voice. Students can translate to and from
English into Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Students just enter a word in their native language and the device will
speak and show the translation in their language and English. A voice
recording feature allows users to record custom words and phrases.
The spell correction feature finds even misspelled words, and the
seven line screen aids visibility.

Features Include:
■ An MP3 Player to download and play MP3 files to enjoy music and
more while looking up words and phrases
■ Chinese, Japanese and Korean are displayed phonetically using the
Roman alphabet and in Asian characters
■ Organizer, local/world clock, calculator, currency and metric converter
■ Five games
■ USB connection

Global Language Education Services
Online Mini-Courses for Language Teachers

Global Language Education Services (GLES) offers a suite of online
mini-courses that introduce language teachers to innovative instructional
techniques. Each technique is designed to employ authentic materials
in ways that are both engaging and effective. Currently available
mini-courses cover “Movie Talk,” a technique for employing featurelength
movies in beginning and low-intermediate language classrooms;
“Co-Author,” a cyclic pattern of interaction in which a language teacher
guides intermediate students toward more proficient writing in their second
language; and “Reading Club,” a multi-faceted technique for using
authentic materials to boost the reading proficiency of intermediate language
students. All of the techniques covered in GLES mini-courses
are research-based and have been extensively field-tested.

The GLES online mini-courses include discussion boards and optional
hands-on activities that develop mastery of the techniques. Participants
can choose to take these courses in audit mode, which provides access
to materials and discussion boards but no instructor feedback, or graded
mode, which (for an additional fee) offers feedback, evaluation, and certificates
for Continuing Education Units. The mini-courses are offered every
month, and there are special group rates for cohorts.

The GLES online mini-courses were created by Dr. Ashley Hastings,
Professor Emeritus of TESOL (Shenandoah University). Dr. Hastings is
known internationally as the originator of the FOCAL SKILLS approach
to language teaching, and has been a pioneer in the development of
online language teacher training.

FLRT — a Fluent Reading Trainer

MindPlay offers educators working with English Language Learners a
solution that will help students enjoy reading by dramatically improving
their reading fluency rate as they become confident in speaking
and reading English. FLRT — a fluent reading trainer works to
increase reading speed while ensuring comprehension in any student
who can decode. Students conduct a number of technology-driven
activities to train their eyes to read more efficiently. One FLRT activity
trains the eyes to move from left to right and to sweep in one movement
enhancing visual memory, silent reading skills, speed and reading

As students move into reading passages, the stories in the program
are either delivered randomly or they can be selected by teachers. Each
passage is designed to be read in six minutes or less, allowing most
students to complete three stories or more in a class period.

Accompanying questions test 18 different reading comprehension skills.
The program aims to keep students challenged while reading at
their own pace by providing assignments that are individualized to
match each student’s unique abilities. It can be used for classroom
instruction or as remedial help.

FLRT also provides teachers and administrators with easy management
and tracking. Reports can gauge a student or an entire class
performance. Success can be broken down by question type,
improvement statistics from initial testing date to current date, effective
words-per-minute rate, and sight/high-frequency words for students
who are struggling. Reports are available in PDF format so they can be
emailed to parents or they can be printed out in color or grayscale for
improved data visualization.


PhonicsTutor is a research proven, multi-sensory reading method for
all ages and reading settings. Its independent instruction in orthography
enables ESL students to learn to read reflexively and spell accurately
at a rate that keeps pace with the vocabulary and comprehension
they are gaining in English. This performance of a reading program
is amazing considering the ambiguous and extensive orthography
of English. Students who complete the program can pronounce,
read, and spell 93 percent of all words in print, e.g., machinery, prodigious,
picturesque, azure. It covers all patterns of English orthography
that occur at least once in a million words in print.

At TESL ’97 in Toronto, PhonicsTutor was one of only four products
(out of 189 products) that received the designation of “Excellent.” This
computerized Orton-Gillingham program is a synthetic-analytic reading
method that is recognized around the world for its efficacy in the remediation
of dyslexia and for its ability to assist both native and nonnative
speakers of English in learning how to read and spell. The
expanded curriculum includes software, coordinated books, and flashcards,
and provides self-teaching instruction so that ESL/EFL learners
are prepared for the vocabulary and reading expectations of college
and professional careers.

Protea Textware
Issues in English 2

Issues in English 2 is an effective, innovative, and comprehensive software
program for English language and literacy learners. With four levels
from beginning to advanced, students learn a wide range of
English language skills within meaningful contexts. The issues —
Sport, Media, Technology, Fame, Education, Immigration, Wilderness,
and Languages — are relevant and engaging.

The program is content-rich, with over 700 interactive exercises
based on the stimulus videos. These include reading and listening
comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing.

Scientific Learning

Scientific Learning develops software products that increase brain
power—exercising areas of the brain to help it process more efficiently,
the way physical workouts train the body to be more fit and strong.
The products are used in thousands of schools nationwide, helping
ELL, struggling readers and at-risk learners in grades PreK-12. The
Fast ForWord program has proven results in schools throughout the
country, where students have made dramatic and enduring gains in
eight to twelve weeks.

The products build on cumulative breakthroughs
in neuroscience research revealing that the human brain can
continue to develop and improve the efficiency of its processing
throughout life. Processing efficiency is how the brain functions to support
learning and intellectual activity, including memory, attention, processing
rate, and sequencing. Scientific Learning Reading Assistant
provides guided oral reading using advanced speech recognition technology
with scientifically-based courseware to help students strengthen
fluency, vocabulary and comprehension to become proficient, lifelong

It provides each student with an active one-on-one reading
tutor that acts as a patient, non-judgmental listener and provides
the much needed reading practice that benefits them. Progress
Tracker is an online accountability tool that allows educators to monitor
student progress and results, and Reading Progress Indicator is an
easy-to-use computerized assessment for quick evaluations of student
performance. When students can process more effectively, all other
learning activities get accomplished more efficiently. It is then the dedication
of teachers and the investment in other learning programs yield
better results. Importantly, students are more motivated to learn and
have better self-esteem.

August 2009

Suckering the Supreme Court

August 2009 Cover
August 2009 Cover
The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor are affording the American people an invaluable insight into the ingrained prejudices that prevail in our society, as well as the procedural anomalies that assist in their continuance.
Beneath the disturbing questioning of the validity of being a “wise Latina” and Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s puerile and astonishingly inappropriate impersonation of Ricky Ricardo, informing Sotomayor that she had “some ‘splainin’ to do,” there exists an underlying concern that Sotomayor’s interrogators are oblivious to their task of determining whether or not she has the requisite intelligence and experience for the role, and would rather score points by demeaning her. On top of which, there is considerable doubt about the validity of so-called expert testimony which not only undermines these confirmation hearings, but also calls into question the opinions of the Supreme Court itself.
The criticism of the Judge’s statement that her personal experience has shaped her thinking is contrary to the fundamental principle that we should learn from our experiences, but it seems to indicate that education, intellect, and expertise count for little in politics.
These hearings, like most Washington hearings, rely heavily on “expert” testimony but the choice of these experts seems to be based on proving a point rather than a desire for the truth. For example, over the last few weeks, the Center for Equal Opportunity, a small conservative think tank opposed to affirmative action and bilingual education, has been blessed with at least two opportunities to make its voice heard in the highest chambers. Linda Chavez, its chairman, a Reagan appointee, and a political analyst for Fox News, delivered testimony in opposition to Sotomayor’s appointment, claiming that the Judge “made dubious arguments in support of bilingual education and more broadly in trying to equate English language requirements as a form of national origin discrimination.” The organization was also called in to assist the Supreme Court in its decision to side with Arizona officials who said the federal government should not be supervising the state’s spending for teaching non-English-speaking students (Horne v. Flores, see p.9). Justice Alito’s majority opinion cited an amicus brief filed by the Center: “Research on [English-Language Learner] instruction indicates there is documented, academic support for the view that [structured English immersion] is significantly more effective than bilingual education.”
Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion — Chavez served as president of U.S. English, an English-only organization — and we all know that research and statistics can be manipulated to serve several different points of view, however a Supreme Court Justice has a duty to seek out a balance of research before coming to an opinion, and, in this case, Alito has chosen to ignore the wealth of research which suggests that bilingual education is more successful than English-only.
Our representatives should be the best and the brightest, not simply people who agree with us. We have a President who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and deserve representatives in all sectors of government who recognize the value of research, education, and true expertise.

The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor are affording the American people an invaluable insight into the ingrained prejudices that prevail in our society, as well as the procedural anomalies that assist in their continuance.

Beneath the disturbing questioning of the validity of being a “wise Latina” and Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s puerile and astonishingly inappropriate impersonation of Ricky Ricardo, informing Sotomayor that she had “some ‘splainin’ to do,” there exists an underlying concern that Sotomayor’s interrogators are oblivious to their task of determining whether or not she has the requisite intelligence and experience for the role, and would rather score points by demeaning her. On top of which, there is considerable doubt about the validity of so-called expert testimony which not only undermines these confirmation hearings, but also calls into question the opinions of the Supreme Court itself.

The criticism of the Judge’s statement that her personal experience has shaped her thinking is contrary to the fundamental principle that we should learn from our experiences, but it seems to indicate that education, intellect, and expertise count for little in politics.

These hearings, like most Washington hearings, rely heavily on “expert” testimony but the choice of these experts seems to be based on proving a point rather than a desire for the truth. For example, over the last few weeks, the Center for Equal Opportunity, a small conservative think tank opposed to affirmative action and bilingual education, has been blessed with at least two opportunities to make its voice heard in the highest chambers. Linda Chavez, its chairman, a Reagan appointee, and a political analyst for Fox News, delivered testimony in opposition to Sotomayor’s appointment, claiming that the Judge “made dubious arguments in support of bilingual education and more broadly in trying to equate English language requirements as a form of national origin discrimination.” The organization was also called in to assist the Supreme Court in its decision to side with Arizona officials who said the federal government should not be supervising the state’s spending for teaching non-English-speaking students (Horne v. Flores, see p.9). Justice Alito’s majority opinion cited an amicus brief filed by the Center: “Research on [English-Language Learner] instruction indicates there is documented, academic support for the view that [structured English immersion] is significantly more effective than bilingual education.”

Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion — Chavez served as president of U.S. English, an English-only organization — and we all know that research and statistics can be manipulated to serve several different points of view, however a Supreme Court Justice has a duty to seek out a balance of research before coming to an opinion, and, in this case, Alito has chosen to ignore the wealth of research which suggests that bilingual education is more successful than English-only.

Our representatives should be the best and the brightest, not simply people who agree with us. We have a President who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and deserve representatives in all sectors of government who recognize the value of research, education, and true expertise.


Putting Students Behind the Wheel
Edo Forsythe recommends collaborating with students to get the most from new technologies

The Great Divide
Lance Knowles confronts the challenge of mixing teachers with technology

Tools for Teaching English
Language Magazine’s selection of technology products for the ESL classroom

Español en la Naturaleza
Kate Sommers-Dawes finds Spanish natural in Costa Rica

Busting Student Stress
Carmen Gloria Garrido Barra offers advice  on how to reduce anxiety in the language classroom

Plus all the latest news in language learning technology, book reviews, and source information on language funding

Pais Vasco

San Sebastian

Lacunza, based in San Sebastian, is part of the International House World Organization, a network of language schools around the world known for their quality language courses and dedication towards education and teacher training.
As such, Lacunza offers courses that cater to all levels and requirements. The most popular courses are the Intensive courses which, depending on what outcome the student desires, include 20 lessons of 45 minutes each per week as a basis and as many private lessons in the afternoon as requested by the student. Private lessons can also be taken independently of the Intensive courses. These give the students the opportunity to focus on specific fields of interest and topics of study.
Other popular courses include the Junior Summer Course and Lacunza Summer Camp for our younger students. The Spanish + surfing course is always a favorite with more adventurous students. Apart from time spent in the classroom, activities are organized daily so that students have the chance to live the Spanish life and get to know the city and all it has to offer. From museum visits and trips to the aquarium, to visiting the island just off the famous beach “La Concha”. Going for pintxos, similar to tapas, in the evening in the Old Town of San Sebastian followed by a night on the town is among the favorite night time excursions amongst the students.

For further information, visit

Getting Passionate about Italian

Hannah Zeiler samples the immersion programs in Italy’s most seductive cities


Florence (or Firenze) is the capital of the famed region of Tuscany and sits on the banks of the river Arno, between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian seas, almost in the middle of the Italian peninsula. This beautiful city, world renowned for its art and architecture, is considered by many to be the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. In 1982, the historic center of Florence was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Florence is an elegant city with so much to do and see. The city center is simply filled to the brim with stunning sights, museums to make Getty green with the originals of the most famous and finest art, shopping to die for, as well as exquisite food and wine. Florence is an excellent city to immerse yourself in while learning about the Italian language and culture, but plan your trip out of the main tourist season (June-September) to avoid the mass influx of tourists who overtake the city in the summer.


Accademia Europea di Firenze (AEF) is situated right in the heart of historic Florence, literally feet away from the Cathedral, and is dedicated to teaching the Italian language and culture. Because of its fantastic location, AEF participates actively in the city’s diverse cultural activities, creating an atmosphere of spontaneous and pleasant interaction between Italians and foreigners.


Their instructors keep up-to-date with methodology and research to assure natural and active learning of the Italian language. As well as regular courses, AEF offers a rich program of optional language and cultural activities (concerts, seminars, films, visits to museums and farms, language games, etc.) as well as extra-curricular and recreational activities (parties, dinners, food and wine tasting, sports, etc.) every week to ensure not only the enjoyment and cultural fulfillment of students, but also to encourage them to practice their language skills.


The Galilei Institute of Italian Language and Culture, established in 1985 in the center of Florence, specializes in full immersion Italian in intensive one-to-one and small group programs. Their experience in one-to-one education and personalized programs makes them the ideal choice for students with only a short time to acquire a solid and active knowledge of the Italian language. For this reason, the school provides training to some of the world’s top companies. One week of their one-to-one program corresponds to about a month in a class with other students. The secret of their quality is very simple: excellent teachers with years of training and the school’s size, which has been kept rather small in order to give everyone the opportunity to receive individual attention.


Their Italian courses are offered all year round (including Christmas, Easter, and summer), in a choice of three different types of environments: the city of Florence, for those who wish to have a more immediate contact with people, the museums, and sights of the city; the countryside of Florence (Chianti), for those who seek concentration and tranquility; or the island of Elba and the Tuscan coast, for those who wish to study in the serenity of the seaside.


Since 1976, Language Liaison has been offering international students the opportunity to learn Italian in Florence, in a friendly and thoroughly enjoyable atmosphere. They offer Italian and choices in the Arts with everything from Studio Arts to Visual Arts, Theater, Interior Design, Furniture Design, Industrial Design, Textile, Jewelry Design, Restoration and Conservation, and Archaeology. There are also certificate programs in Mediterranean Cuisine and Food Culture, Baking and Pastry, Wine Expertise, and Food Communication and Design. For adventure, there is even an Italian and Sailing program.




Located in the plains of Lombardy in Northern Italy, and once a capital of the Roman Empire, Milan (Milano) is one of the largest cities in Italy and is regarded as one of Europe’s creative capitals. This fashionable city has plenty to offer the restless vivitor with a slew of clubs, operas, theaters, sports (being home to two of the world’s top soccer teams), restaurants, and of course, plenty of high-end shopping. Milan provides students excellent surroundings to learn the language of Italy as well as the rich culture of one of its top, powerhouse cities. Milan’s location is optimal: not far from the sea, the mountains, and the lakes.


International House Milan is located in the city’s center close to numerous famous monuments and historical attractions. The works of world renowned painters, writers, and musicians can all be enjoyed here.


The school offers a variety of courses throughout the year; catering to individuals and groups, specializing in General and Professional Italian using the communicative method. In addition, they offer culture modules, learning activities outside of the school, and exam preparation for CELI and CIC — certificates from the University for Foreigners of Perugia. IH Milan’s classes have an average of seven students, taught by highly trained teachers in a friendly atmosphere with a full program of social activities. Accommodation facilities are carefully selected and their host-families always welcome students with typical Italian warmth.


Linguadue has been offering students the opportunity to learn Italian in Milan since 1990. The school is in an excellent location in the center of Milan in a well-known street — Corso Buenos Aires. The school attracts students from more than 50 different countries, mostly interested in design, fashion, music, and business, so they offer language programs for professionals, for academics, and for everyday situations. They also have schools in Sicily and Florence.


Thanks to its creative and innovative approach, L’Orlando Curioso has become a reference point for learning Italian in Milan. The school is located in an historic building in a very central and charming neighborhood with a beautiful park and a wide range of shops, monuments, restaurants, and bars.


L’Orlando Curioso offers several different courses to students from all over the world. Their teaching method is based on communicative aspects of the language with creative, up-to-date and authentic materials (mostly produced by teaching staff) that make L’Orlando Curioso so unique. They also offer free linguistic workshops and other cultural and recreational activities.




Rome (Roma), the majestic capital of Italy as well as the Lazio region, is located in the central-western portion of the Italian peninsula, where the river Aniene joins the Tiber. Also known as the Eternal City, Rome’s rich history stretches back thousands of years and, being one of the few major European cities that escaped World War II relatively unscathed, central Rome remains essentially Renaissance and Baroque in character. The historic center of Rome has also been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. This ancient city is a dream destination in which to to learn about the Italian language as well as the fascinating history and culture the city has to offer.


CIAO ITALIA is a center specializing in teaching Italian to foreigners and was founded by accredited teachers working in this field for more than 20 years. It is a member of ASILS and ELITE — Italian and European networks of quality language schools. Located in the historic center of Rome, the school is within walking distance of the Coliseum, the Roman Forum, and the Fountain of Trevi. The school is open year round and offers programs at all levels: Intensive/extensive, group/individual, business, conversation, CILS exam Preparation, art, Italian opera, and cooking. They also have an interesting social program consisting of film shows, lunches with teachers, guided tours, as well as special prices for theaters, concerts, and sports-clubs.


Scuola Leonardo da Vinci was founded in 1977 and has centers in Florence, Milan, Rome, and Siena. Their school in Rome, situated in the central pedestrian area, offers a wide range of programs from their popular Italian standard language course to Italian individual tuition and their Italian Diploma courses (AIL Exams). They also organize semester long programs and summer courses for American institutions. Courses run from two weeks to twelve months. The study abroad program enables American students to earn Italian language credits for Italian 101 and Italian 102.




Stretching across 117 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy lies the world’s most romantic city — Venice (Venezia), the capital of the Veneto region. Among Venice’s many nicknames are “Queen of the Adriatic,” “City of Water,” “City of Bridges,” and “The City of Light.” Venice is an intricate, maze-like city consisting of 150 canals conncted by 409 bridges, making it the ideal place to get lost for the day and explore the riches of this romantic and mysterious city.


Learning Italian in Venice is an adventure in itself, but, like Florence, it becomes very crowded with tourists during the late spring and summer months so try to book your trip for the off-season.


Centro IL FARO is located in the town of Caorle, a charming seaport rich of culture, history, and traditions, just 30 miles from Venice. Its enchanting beaches and picturesque historic center with a variety of restaurants and gelaterie make it an exquisite location for an enjoyable vacation. Besides being relatively small and away from major tourist routes, Caorle gives students endless opportunities to interact with local people and experience authentic Italian culture.


The school offers language programs and culture classes for all levels; it also offers packages for groups and families, with special attention to children. Their methodology is to merge grammar study with the communicative approach, thus enhancing all four language skills — reading, listening, speaking, and writing.


WorldLink Education (WLE) is an international organization that offers quality language immersion programs around the world, including Italian Language programs in Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan. WLE is dedicated to promoting international education and cross-cultural understanding, and offers a range of unique, comprehensive, and affordable programs. Courses vary in intensity and duration, and start throughout the year.


The courses are designed to provide the most comprehensive and balanced curriculum, combining in-class instruction with cultural excursions and activities. The objective is to deepen knowledge of the language and culture. To cater for the individual needs of students, a range of intensive and non-intensive programs are available for all levels from beginner to advance. WLE’s programs are offered to adults of all ages. The Total Program includes tuition, accommodation, books, certificate, orientation, welcome information, placement test, visa support documentation (when required), and more. Extra features include arrival transfer, guided cultural tours and social activities at no additional cost. International program advisors and staff provide on-going assistance and information, before departure and during the program.


Go East Young Woman

According to Kate Sommers-Dawes, studying in China is a a great career move as well as a cultural adventure.

Recession or not, the race to learn Chinese is still on all across the Western hemisphere as the Chinese economy continues to surge, sporting twelve percent growth for the first quarter of 2010. Entrepreneurs and savvy graduates looking for an edge in the tough job market are learning Chinese whatever way they can. Of course, books, CDs, interactive programs and all sorts of classes are great ways to start to get to grips with the language, but for those on a deadline, nothing can beat the study abroad immersion experience for fast language results and a crash course in Chinese culture.

Language travelers to China will have no shortage of impressive monuments and cultural hotspots to explore as they sharpen their Mandarin skills. From Beijing to Shanghai to Hong Kong and back, guests in the region can practice their newfound knowledge of quotidian Chinese while plumbing the historical depths of the world’s oldest continuous civilization.

The adventurous can hike along the Great Wall, which snakes for thousands of miles along China’s northern border with Mongolia. One tour of this ancient defense against invaders from the north allows tourists the chance to camp overnight in a watchtower and then explore the Wall in early morning silence before the throngs arrive.

History enthusiasts in Xi’an will be in paradise delving into its many sights, including the pre-common era Terracotta Warriors, the 141 B.C.E. mausoleum of Han Emperor Jingdi, and the eight miles of defensive city walls fortified in the Ming dynasty with parapets and a formidable moat.

The metropolis of Beijing, in all its grandeur, has no shortage of temples, galleries, monuments, parks, and palaces to discover. The capital city’s White Cloud Temple, one of China’s oldest Taoist temples, hosts a lively fair during its Spring Festival complete with artisans and street performers. Another popular tourist attraction among many is the Summer Palace, which was called “a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design” by UNESCO when it was dedicated as a world heritage site.

Chinese history, spanning thousands of years, is on display throughout its striking cities. While learning the language spoken by hundreds of millions, students who also choose to acquaint themselves with the country’s vibrant culture will bring to life the old Chinese saying, “the journey is the reward.”

Immersion Programs

China Your Way provides American high school and college students with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the language and culture of Beijing, learning Putonghua (standard Mandarin) and living with a registered homestay family. In addition to traditional classroom learning, participants in China Your Way select from among seven individualized cultural activity programs to enhance their educational experience. These include volunteering, traditional Chinese culture, athletics, modern dance, Chinese cooking, visual art, and an option to customize your own program. Students choose up to four activities per four-week session.

Located in the heart of Beijing’s University District, Global Exchange Center provides its students with an ideal stepping stone into modern China. Students from all corners of the world come to hone their Mandarin skills and build their relationship with China through cultural excursions, home stays, and business internships. Teachers tailor programs to professionals, students and travelers alike. It is not uncommon to find beginners learning Chinese over a game of mahjong next door to more seasoned speakers reciting poetry and preparing for professional situations. The Center’s personalized, highly focused style of instruction provides a fresh alternative to large University classes. However, for most, the greatest rewards are found outside of the classroom. Homestays set up with partner families provide an opportunity for participants to see China from the inside and immerse themselves in Mandarin. Business internships allow students to work in Chinese companies, so they can improve their language skills on the job. Most of all, students enjoy a sense of camaraderie with their international classmates, building friendships that span the globe while exploring all the opportunities and adventure Beijing has to offer.

New Concept Mandarin has immersion centers across China. The academy offers its highly effective ten-day immersion course to help students get immersed in Chinese language and culture in a relaxed, enjoyable and highly-effective way. In the morning, students learn different topics and vocabulary through various methods including classroom learning, seminars, workshops and presentations. In the afternoons, trainers take students out of the classroom to participate in real world activities that require them to utilize and develop their Mandarin communication skills. Students also get an interactive CD-ROM (Mandarin Tutor) developed by New Concept Mandarin to enhance vocabulary recognition and pronunciation. Additionally, online courses and study tools developed by the school can be used by students between and after their classes to review and reinforce their learning. Courses are offered for complete beginners to professional level students in Beijing, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, or Shenzhen.

LanguBridge’s China program is based in Beijing in the Haidian District, on a university campus with easy access to the subway. Summer immersion programs are open to high school and university students with the choice of campus living or homestay. Each session lasts for four weeks: intensive language classes are in the morning, cultural activities and language exchanges are in the afternoon, and weekend trips take students to explore the major attractions in the city and surroundings. The program also includes an optional trip to Shanghai. Students can live on campus in premium dormitories with clean rooms, linen service, security entrance and 24 hour on-site staff. A 6:1 student to staff ratio and caring school personnel ensure a close relationship within the group.

Get in2 China, a Beijing-based, service-oriented company offers a wide range of services for people who want to come to China or already live in the country. It provides information, accommodation, internship placement, Chinese language courses, visa support, travel arrangements and many other services for people of different ages and from different countries. Get in2 China has developed and introduced a range of programs to facilitate any type of visit. To see the world-famous sights like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, or the Terracotta Warriors, the Traveling and Sightseeing program is ideal. The duration of this program is normally one or two weeks and a two-week program includes traveling to different cities of China, such as Xi’an, Guilin, and Shanghai. For those wishing to pick up the basics of the Chinese language or improve their current level, there are specially-designed Chinese language programs. General (ten hours per week), intensive (twenty hours per week) and private language courses are available and all study materials are provided by the company’s language school and are included in the program fee. The Business Internship program is specifically recommended for recent graduates seeking to get some working experience before entering the global labor market. It includes internship placement, accommodation, visa support, language courses and other concomitant services. Get in2 China carefully studies the resumes of its clients and finds the right Chinese or foreign Beijing-based company for internship placement, all of which are paid. The business program is an opportunity to get valuable experience working in the world’s third largest economy.

Northwest University, founded in 1902, is the oldest institution of higher learning in Northwest China and one of the leading comprehensive universities in the country. The university is located in Xi’an, a famous ancient capital and the heart of ancient Chinese culture.

The University pays special attention to international exchange and cooperation and has established relations with over 90 institutions of higher learning worldwide. Since 1965, the University has trained more than 6000 international students, and in 1992, it established the College of International Cultural Exchanges (CICE) to recruit international students. In addition, the college offers both degree and non-degree courses in the Chinese language. The Service Center at the college provides accommodation, board and services to international students. Currently, the college has about 400 students from 20 countries.

Konall Culture Exchange, located only two hours south of Beijing, offers Mandarin language and Chinese culture courses to students of all ages and learning backgrounds. The school specializes in intensive one-to-one language programs and each student receives an individually tailored course that focuses on their specific needs. It strives to be different by keeping locations small and academics intense to ensure a true immersion environment each student is encouraged to push themselves to learn as much as possible. The city of Shijiazhuang, where Konall is based, Standard Mandarin is spoken on the street and there are very few foreigners. While quite modern, the city is thoroughly Chinese and has had very little western influence. Apart from fellow students, visitors will rarely see more than one other foreigner each month.

The Hutong School is located in a beautifully renovated courtyard on the north side of Beijing’s city center. This summer, a second branch will open in the bustling Sanlitun district. The academy offers two main programs: The Internship Program and the Intensive Chinese Program. The Internship Program consists of an internship at a partner company, two hours per day of Chinese classes, accommodation in an apartment in the center of the city, and the organization of weekly cultural activities and business lectures. The Intensive Chinese Program is similar, but instead of an internship and two hours of classes, students will be given four hours per day of Chinese classes.

EMW Cultural Immersions offers two intensive summer Mandarin camps in Dalian, Liaoning and Shenzhen, Guangdong. There is also a single Cantonese camp in Guangzhou, Guangdong, and a winter camp in each city. The month-long programs emphasize experiencing China outside of the classroom. Frequent field trips and excursions coupled with customized class options give students many opportunities to interact with locals. At the end of the programs, students have the option of traveling with their teacher to some of the major, and some hidden, destinations in China. Camps all include classroom materials, use of a cell phone, meals, home stays and basic admissions to all tour destinations. The program prides itself in the importance it places on teaching students useful and practical Chinese and then presenting them with real situations to use what they have learned.

For nearly a decade, Confucius Programs has been providing effective Mandarin Instruction Programs for thousands of students from over 30 countries. The goal is to provide life changing experiences and language skills that students need to succeed in China. The academy offers three integrated Chinese Educational Programs: Mandarin Chinese University Program, Mandarin Language and Culture University Program and Chinese University Degree Program at top universities and institutes in Beijing. Programs vary from three weeks for short term Mandarin crash courses to four year university bachelor programs. Besides taking care of enrollment and all the administration procedures for studying in China, Confucius Programs organizes cultural language trips to various areas of interest around Beijing and China.

Kate Sommers-Dawes is assistant editor at Language Magazine.


Arabic (العربية al-ʿarabīyah or عربي ʿarabi) is a Central Semitic language, thus related to and classified alongside other Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Syriac. In terms of speakers, Arabic is the largest member of the Semitic language family. It is spoken by more than 280 million people as a first language and by 250 million more as a second language. Most native speakers live in the Middle East and North Africa. Different spoken varieties of Arabic exist and differ according to region. Not all of the varieties are mutually intelligible and speakers may use a sort of medial language with features common to most Arabic varieties to communicate with speakers of mutually unintelligible varieties. Standard Arabic is widely taught in schools, universities, and used in the office and the media.

Modern Standard Arabic derives from Classical Arabic, the only surviving member of the Old North Arabian dialect group, attested in Pre-Islamic Arabic inscriptions dating back to the 4th century. Classical Arabic has also been a literary language and the liturgical language of Islam since its inception in the 7th century.

Arabic has lent many words to other languages of the Islamic world. During the Middle Ages, Arabic was a major vehicle of culture in Europe, especially in science, mathematics and philosophy. As a result, many European languages have also borrowed numerous words from it. Arabic influence is seen in Mediterranean languages, particularly Spanish, Portuguese, Maltese, and Sicilian, due to both the proximity of European and Arab civilization and 700 years of Arab rule in the Iberian peninsula.
Arabic has also borrowed words from many languages, including Hebrew, Persian and Syriac in early centuries, and contemporary European languages in modern times.

01/28/2010 Translators Push to Have Arabic Join Twitter
Since the Arab spring revolution and the use of social network Facebook to overturn governments in the Middle East, volunteers from the UAE have been working to bring Arabic interface to the micro-blogging site Twitter. The National reports that the project includes approximately 2,500 volunteers from 28 countries. Twitter currently does not have an interface and searching for topics in Arabic is difficult.

The Arabic twitter initiative was first launched in November at the Sharjah International Book Fair.

“I wanted to get involved in this because Twitter has a lot of languages, but not Arabic,” said Rana Mansoor, a translator, in an article by The National.

The goal of the project is to write an Arabic version of the Twitter website, including documentation, glossaries, and elements. The hope is that once the project is completed that the Arabic information can be sent to Twitter.

“The project has been going very well,” Mr. Sami Mustafa Al Mubarak, one of the project founders, remarked in The National article. “We have translators from 20 out of the 22 Arab countries in the project, which is something we’re very proud of. It’s the first online project in the Arab world that uses the community for a purpose and the first online volunteer Arabic translation project. It turns people from being just consumers of content to producers.”

Twitter has grown remarkably quickly in the Middle East. French company Semiocast reported that Arabic is now the eighth used language on Twitter. Another report also stated that the number of tweets in Arabic have grown by an astonishingly 2,146 percent over the last year.

Check out the original article here.


Guatemala, the most populated country in Central America, is situated just south of Mexico and offers an intriguing mix of cool highlands, tropical Caribbean coasts, and dense jungles. The cities are vibrant, beautiful, and brimming with rich Mayan culture, while the people are friendly and hospitable. This stimulating country is an ideal place to be immersed in the Spanish language.

Miguel Angel Asturias Spanish School offers 25 hours of private one-on-one instruction, homestay with all meals, and activities for only $150 USD per week. Using their interactive immersion method, you’ll speak for hours a day and you’ll make vast progress in a short amount of time. In addition to learning the language, you’ll also learn about the realities of life in Guatemala and Latin America, taking away a deeper understanding of this part of the world.

Their teachers have years of experience using the one-on-one immersion method. Having a broad array of specialties and experiences, each one has a unique perspective to lend to in-class discussions of a wide range of topics. Many of their teachers have been with us for 10 years or longer.

Four afternoons a week a different activity stimulates discussion and adventure, while opening your eyes to both the difficulties and the enormous beauty and culture that Guatemala has to offer. A founding principle of their school is to give back to the community, and both of their directors have degrees in economics with a wide variety of experience working with rural communities. They offer you the opportunity to share your own skills, interests, and enthusiasm helping the people of Guatemala, while practicing and improving your Spanish. There is no additional charge to participate.

Their  highly regarded Medical Spanish program combines intensive general Spanish instruction with specialized instruction focused on medical terminology and situations. It’s ideal for doctors, nurses, medical school students, pre-med students, emergency medical technicians, and others in the health care fields.

For more information, please visit

At COINED’s School in Guatemala Spanish classes are held in a beautifully remodeled colonial house, within blocks from the Central Square of Antigua. The students get the chance of getting immersed in this unique culture at one of the most picturesque and historical cities in the world. The school also offers comfortable facilities, audio and video room, internet and a cafeteria.

At COINED their priority is to make sure our programs meet your expectations because they understand that your choice to pursue an experiential education entails risk and some degree of adventure. They have a wide variety of courses so that you can choose the one that suits you the best with the advantages of experience-based learning in small groups. Also they offer a minimum of two recreational activities per week so you can submerge in the local culture. You will get qualified and professional teaching. COINED offers you the possibility of obtaining credits in cooperation with various international colleges and universities. They goal is to help you develop the skills and concepts necessary to feel comfortable in any speaking situation.

For more information, please visit

Escuela Juan Sisay is located in the city of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Their total immersion program was founded on the principals of not only giving the student sound instruction in the Spanish language but also taking the student beyond the typical tourist perspective of the country. They offer family accommodation and daily cultural activities and trips for total immersion. They limit the size of our student body to provide a more personal and hospitable learning environment. This is not only a school of the Spanish language but also of the Guatemalan culture.

Established 20 years ago, Academia Centroamerica is one of the oldest schools in Antigua. They take pride in their excellent quality language tuition for students of Spanish at all levels. As a student you will be assigned an experienced teacher and, using a variety of teaching methods and materials, this teacher will devise a learning program for you based on your needs. They place emphasis on building your confidence to communicate in Spanish – using plenty of conversational work, supported by written notes and exercises. Wonderful and friendly host families are an excellent way to ensure full immersion of the Spanish language in class and out.

French in France

Schools In Paris

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Travel for Teens offers exceptional cultural and language immersion experiences in Paris and the South of France every summer. They believe in learning and living the language in its native context, combining classroom instruction in the morning with cultural activities every afternoon. Programs are open to all levels of French students, from beginner to advanced. Students learn the finer points of French grammar, while gaining experience in really speaking the language on the street, at the café, and in the markets. Bilingual counselors accompany the group, guiding them through France on this experience of a lifetime.

Students may choose between our French language programs in Paris or Nice, and many choose to extend their language learning experience by combining the two. In Paris, students explore the hidden nooks of the city with professional counselors, discovering those hidden bistros that only Parisians know about as well as the famous landmarks of the City of Light.

In Nice and elsewhere in the South of France, students attend language classes in the mornings while the rest of the day is free for exploring the best of the French Riviera. They can take their language skills into the charming villages of Provence and the stunning beaches of the Riviera.

For further information visit or you may contact them at [email protected]

Since 1984, ELFE (Ecole de Langue Française pour Etrangers) has specialized in teaching French to adults in mini-groups of 6 people or in a one-on-one setting. The school is located in the center of Paris, in a charming 19th century mansion, only 15 minutes on foot from Montmartre and the Opera Garnier. Course programs are offered year round for professionals using French in their work, students preparing for French exams (TCF, DELF), and expatriates wishing to succeed in their integration in France.

The small size of the school creates a true family atmosphere ideal for communication between students and members of staff. Thus, many opportunities to speak French either in class or after class arise thanks to the varied cultural program including theater and cinema workshops, cooking and wine tasting lessons, or excursions with a teacher in Paris. The teaching team can easily adapt to the students’ specific needs and personal and professional obligations.

They can also design, if necessary, a tailor-made program. Finally, ELFE has established a reputation as place of serious study with a friendly atmosphere, ensuring that students rapidly improve their command of French. The school obtained “the quality award for French as a foreign language” by the French government and this accreditation recognizes excellence in management, administration, and teaching practice. ELFE teaches French, only French, and is proud to do so with passion and professionalism.

For further info visit


The Berlitz centers in France provide language and cross-cultural training while also the internet-based product, Berlitz Virtual Classroom, to provide training accessible throughout the country. The school provides language courses for companies, adults and children in addition to e-learning courses and study abroad programs for immersion in language and culture. Berlitz has 26 Language Centers in France including 13 Centers in Paris and its suburbs. Several new Language Centers are due to be opened in 2009. Berlitz also provides translation services between most languages.

For further info, visit


Schools in the South of France

For students who want to learn how to speak French well and quickly, the immersion courses offered on the French Riviera by the Institut de Français are an ideal option. Located in the picturesque fishing village of Villefranche-sur-mer, near Nice and Monaco, the school is considered one of the most intensive and effective learning centers in the world. People from a variety of backgrounds have studied at the Institut since it was established 39 years ago; some for the pleasure of learning a new language, others with the need to speak French for business purposes.

Courses run for 8 ½ hours a day, 5 days a week, for a period of 2 to 4 weeks, and cater to beginners or advanced speakers. The day starts with students gathered in the Provençal dining room for a French breakfast including croissants and home made marmalade. From that point on and until five in the evening, only French is permitted. There is a €1 fine for anyone speaking (or even listening to) another language. The system is quite effective: within days, even beginners are speaking in French.

The program is complete and planned for maximum results, ranging from audio-visual classes, language labs, discussion-lunch, practice sessions, linguistic games, and role playing in everyday situations. These combined elements make for a rich and unforgettable French experience.

For further information, visit


ISEFE welcomes students to one of the most beautiful areas of France and to one of the country’s most pleasant campuses. It is the only university institute specialising in the teaching of French as a foreign language in the Savoie region. Located in the French Alps at the crossroads of the main trans-alpine routes from Lyon to Turin and Geneva to Grenoble, the school operates in trimesters from October to June and hosts exams for the national diplomas in French: TCF, TEF, DELF and DALF. To complement its courses, ISEFE offers many cultural, sporting and recreational activities where French students and foreign visitors can meet. Summer school students will benefit from the wide range of tourist and festive activities which mark this time of year in Chambéry and Savoie. ISEFE provides housing to all students upon request.

For further information, visit


Welcoming students from around the world since 1991 to French courses in the Southwest of France, Langue Onze Toulouse / TANDEM Toulouse school of French is known for exceptional quality of teaching that puts students in touch with real French language and culture. We offer intensive group and individual courses year round and course content that correspond to the official levels of the CEFR – the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Its team of experienced native teachers all have professional degrees in teaching French as a Foreign Language (FLE), and is sensitive to the expectations of each student.

The school is centrally located in the historic center of beautiful Toulouse, surrounded by winding streets, small shops and restaurants, and charming public squares with cafés made for lazy afternoons in the sun. After class and on weekends, students enjoy a wide range of organized cultural and sports activities to enliven the French experience. Named one of the world’s “10 Most Dynamic Cities” by the American magazine Newsweek, Toulouse has a long history of independence and innovation.

Strategically situated at the crossroads to the Pyrenees, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean coast, Toulouse is a key location to discover Southern France and an easy jumping off point for weekend excursions to the mountains and sea, as well as to historic villages and sites in the region. Special programs include French & Dance, French & Creative Writing, and French & Hiking, among many others.


Nacel International, a 50 years old-language travel organization, offers an International Summer Camp in Lisses, France. Lisses is a small town located 30 kilometers away from Paris; this location is ideal because students have the opportunity to visit Paris and its surroundings on a daily basis, while being safely accommodated in a quiet area. Our students are hosted by carefully selected, local French families who provide a comfortable, caring “home away from home” to students.

Students attend individualized French language courses in the mornings in small groups with one teacher for 4 to 5 students. Teachers organize activities and visits on afternoons as well as full-day excursions: students discover the Eiffel Tower, Château Versailles, and the Champs-Élysées while improving French skills and discovering the French way of life. Nacel’s French and Sport Summer Camps are a “very enjoyable way to learn French,” like Pablo, a Spanish student attending the camp last year, wrote recently.

A unique feature of the camps is that students studying French interact with French teenagers who attend the same camp and study English, Spanish or German. International students are therefore immersed in French language and culture and share sports activities with friends from around the world. The summer camp offers a wide range of sports: football (soccer), tennis, basketball, or even rugby. Camps are organized in Vichy, an ideal location for sports lovers, offering high quality facilities on the university campus. While accommodated in residences, students enjoy a quiet and safe environment during their summer stay in France.

The CERAN PROVENCE center offers a cultural and linguistic immersion in France, in the heart of Provence.

Provence is an idyllic environment for an intensive French course designed to meet students’ expectations and objectives. Located near Avignon, a city with a world-renowned historical and cultural heritage, CERAN PROVENCE allows students to fully take advantage of total immersion in French.

The well-proven methodology goes through constant review for improvement and students are tutored by native French tutors – a team of qualified and motivated professionals. Teachers take students through various activities, meals, breaks, and socio-cultural events. As a result, students are constantly exposed to the language in an opportunity to efficiently improve their knowledge and facility.

In the foothills of the Pyrenées, Foix is an authentic medieval town, rich in culture, with its castle, old narrow streets, small shops and weekly market in which students can enjoy the flavors of southwest France. The small school of Valorme offers a unique linguistic and cultural one to four week program: a single group of six students maximum with courses based on oral communication and excursions with Corine, the teacher, to aid in discovery of the rich history of the region. The dramatic mountain landscapes invite weekend getaways and unforgettable hikes. Students can stay on site, in one of the four comfortable holiday studio apartments with a spectacular view of Foix castle.

IFALPES specializes in teaching French as a foreign language with two schools, Chambéry and Annecy. Every year, IFALPES welcomes hundreds of foreign students of all ages, nationalities and cultures for French courses of all levels, including teachers. IFALPES is a certified French Language center and a member of SOUFFLE. In a friendly atmosphere, our team of experienced teachers motivates the students with their innovative teaching skills and love of the language. Students can study from one week to more than a year of intensive French courses as well as discovering the culturally rich history of the Savoie region and its beautiful alpine environment.

With college-accredited language immersion summer programs for teenagers, Academic Treks takes pride in taking the path less traveled, bringing language to life as students embark on unforgettable adventures. Programs are not sightseeing trips or teen tours, but rather authentic language and cultural immersion experiences where students learn by becoming part of the remarkable places they visit.

Their goal is to make education interesting, inspiring, challenging and fun. On the French language immersion program in France, Academic Treks students cover a lot of ground. They begin in Paris, exploring the incomparable architecture, historical monuments, art and quaint neighborhoods that make the “City of Lights” one of the most spectacular in the world. They then embark on a hiking expedition through some of the most beautiful parts of the Alps to Mont Blanc, Western Europe’s highest and most magnificent peak.

They venture to the heart of Châteaux country for two weeks of formal language instruction in the renaissance town of Amboise, where they live with local families and do community service alongside French teenagers. Finally, they travel to France’s beautiful Atlantic coast. Students return home with amazing memories and great friends, more confident in their ability to communicate in French in a real world setting.

Language Magazine