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Complex Languages May Shape Bilingual Brains Differently

In a recent study published in the journal Science Advances, French researchers examined how bilingual people neurologically process...

Italy Seeks to Penalize the Use of English

Under a new legislation, Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications could potentially be fined up to €100,000 ($108,705). The law has been introduced by Fabio Rampelli, a member of the...

Taking a Stand!

In 1974 the Lau v. Nichols Supreme Court decision stated: “There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers and curriculum… for students who do not understand...

Cornish Making a Comeback

In the UK’s South West, efforts to revitalize Cornwall’s indigenous language Kernewek are stronger than ever.  The ancient language can be traced back 4000 years and was considered a dead language as long ago as...

English Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Voices from the Field

Moving at the Speed of Light Literacy is at the heart of the educational enterprise. It is therefore not...

Ghana: Increase in Chinese language learning

Chinese language learning in Ghana is at an all-time high, according to Emelia Agyei-Mensah, registrar of the University of Ghana.  Speaking at a recent language contest and showcase held by the Chinese language department the...

Language Diversity at Risk

New research accompanying the launch of a grammar database, has revealed a potential loss of significant, global linguistic diversity. Postdoctoral researcher Hedvig Skirgård and Associate Professor Simon Greenhil from the Australian National University and the...

Cognitive Skills Linked to Language Learning

New research into child language acquisition has made strong links between cognitive skills and language learning, challenging long-term...

Conversation Starters

Your students, invigorated by your passion for learning a foreign language and developing cultural competency, move to the foreign country where their target language is spoken, live and study in full immersion, achieve fluency...

Kyiv Rejects Russian

According to a survey, 33% of Kyiv’s residents have switched from speaking Russian to Ukrainian since Putin’s invasion a year ago. About 46% said they had been speaking Ukrainian for a long time, while...
Language Magazine