ELL - search results

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August 2004

Time to Ditch the Agenda The body of evidence supporting bilingual education and the long-term benefits of multilingualism is growing steadily. Last month, we reported on a Canadian study that suggests bilingualism helps seniors to...

April 2004

Literacy Concerns In an age where other forms of media compete with the printed word, educators and policy makers have been looking for ways to get people to read more books. In Georgia, for example,...

November 2004

Learning Outside the Box As we enter the final phase of the U.S. elections, it has become apparent that the next president will be chosen on the basis of foreign policy. This is a reflection...

September 2004

A Tale of Two Americas As the Republican Party National Convention dominates the U.S. headlines, Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards is being roundly criticized and even mocked for his campaign mantra of “two Americas... one...

June 2004

Enshrining English So, Virginia Representative Virgil Goode and the ten co-sponsors of his proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution (see News, p.10) think that linguistic diversity is such a threat to this country that we...

October 2004

An Educated Vote With the U.S. presidential election only a month away, the media is being dominated by news of the candidates — where they are, what they are saying and what others are saying...

December 2004

Bush Clearance Despite on-going concerns over election irregularities, President Bush is set to commence his second term with the added boost of a popular mandate and Republican control of the House of Represent­atives. What does...

December 2005

Educational Payback The U.S. could recoup nearly $200 billion a year in economic losses and secure its place as the future economic power of the world by raising the quality of schooling by investing more...

November 2005

Strength in Unity As we approach the end of the first Year of Languages in the U.S., it is time to demand that this country have a cohesive plan to ensure that our children leave...

January 2009

Bringing Online Sales in Line As we enter the New Year with a new Administration, any optimism amongst educators is being tempered by the recession’s effect on state and local tax revenues, and the...
Language Magazine