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February 2005

Pay-Per-View Politics The revelation that the Bush administration paid a prominent media personality to promote the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and to give former Education Secretary Rod Paige more exposure than he deserved...

January 2005

All that glitters... Thirty years ago, California’s public school system was the envy of the nation, but now the Golden State’s public school system lags behind most of the nation on almost every objective...

A Archives Page

Making Dreams Come True Two educational bills were re-introduced to Congress last month — The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act and The Educational Opportunity and Equity Commission Act (see News p.10)...

Educators Who Excel at Teaching Diverse Students

Nominations Sought The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance program is seeking nominations for a new award that will honor educators who excel at teaching students from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. The Teaching...

August 2005

English and More In the news pages of this issue, you will find two stories which initially seem to contradict each other. One is based on a report from the U.K. which finds that Britain...

April 2005

Preschool Makes Cents Two weeks ago, my wife gave birth to our first child, so the last month has passed me by in a wave of chaos and elation. However, I am already thinking...

May 2004

Going Global A few weeks ago, the influential Milken Institute held its Global Conference in Los Angeles. This is one of these events where business leaders, academics and politicians convene to discuss how they believe...

March 2004

English Plus According to a new study, the percentage of the global population that grew up speaking English as its first language is in sharp decline, and an increasing number of people now speak more...

February 2004

Literacy for All is the Real Goal The whole argument against bilingual education is based on the premise that it is not the best way to learn English. Now, a comprehensive research report (see “Bilingual...

July 2004

The Language of Choice The emergence of the Hispanic community as America’s largest and fastest-growing minority is having a fundamental effect on the nation by bringing Span­ish into the main­stream of Amer­ican culture. According to estimates...
Language Magazine