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Applications Now Open for John Smartt Summer Scholars Program

Rutgers Graduate School of Education is now accepting applications for their virtual internship program, John Smartt Summer Scholars. The program provides interested master's students with the opportunity to gain professional experience, network with scholars...

A Bilingual Path to Literacy Success

I have been the principal at Georgia Brown Elementary School for five years, but my relationship with the...

Unlocking the Vietnamese Language: A Student’s Perspective in Saigon

Vietnam—the land of delicious food, viral-worthy motorcycle traffic, immense history, and… language classes? Learning Vietnamese is definitely not on the radar for many language learners, and as I’ve written before, it’s notoriously difficult to...


Juan does a double take when I mention Joyabaj. “¿De veras?” he asks. We’d been chatting about my recent trip to Guatemala as he finished up his shift at work. He wondered if I’d...

The Mexican American

Originally published in June 2007, Language Magazine is republishing this article in memoriam of the activist, artist, and author, Herman Sillas. I had gone through school from the first grade through law school speaking...

Make Hay before the Sun Sets

The sun is shining on language education in the US, and 2024 could turn out to be a pivotal year for the creation of a multilingual education system—as long as we make the most...

Tone More Important than Phonetics for Babies’ Language Development 

A new study by the University of Cambridge, has found that sing-song speech is vital in helping babies...

Push for Guernesiais to be Taught in UK Channel Islands Schools

On the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, the language commission chair has announced that the native language of the island should be taught in schools.  Sir Richard Collas, chair of the Guernsey Language...

Bilingualism May Improve Attention Control

According to a study recently published in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, people who speak two languages may...

You All Belong Here

You know that feeling when you enter a room and instantly realize there is a meeting happening and you were not invited? Think about your actions and reactions. Do you apologize? Do you try...
Language Magazine