Krashen January 22 References

Achterman, D. (2008). “Haves, Halves, and Have-Nots: School Libraries and Student Achievement in California.” Dissertation, University of North Texas.
Kachel, D. E. (2013). School Library Research Summarized: A Graduate Class Project. Mansfield, PA: Mansfield University.
Krashen, S. (2004). The Power of Reading. Westport, CT. Libraries Unlimited (second edition).
Lance, K. and Kachel, D. E. (2021). Perspectives on School Librarian Employment in the United States, 2009–10 to 2018–19. SLIDE: The School Librarian Investigation—Decline or Evolution?
Lance, K. C. and Marks, R. (2008). “The Link between Public Libraries and Early Reading Success.” School Library Journal, 54(9), 44–47.
Lance, K. C. and Kachel, D. E. (2018). “Why School Librarians Matter: What years of research tell us.” Phi Delta Kappan, 99(7), 15–20.
Mangubhai, F. and Elley, W. (1982). “The Role of Reading in Promoting ESL.” Language Learning and Communication, 1(2), 151–161.
McQuillan, J. (2019). “Where Do We Get Our Academic Vocabulary? Comparing the efficiency of direct instruction and free voluntary reading.” Reading Matrix, 19(1), 129–138.
McQuillan, J. (2020). “Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Vocabulary Instruction: Acquiring academic language at Hogwarts.” Reading in a Foreign Language, 32(2), 122–142.
West, R., Stanovich, K., and Mitchell, H. (1993). “Reading in the Real World and Its Correlates.” Reading Research Quarterly, 28, 35–50.