Administration Boosts HSIs

Last month, the Biden-Harris Administration announced new actions to advance educational opportunities for Latino communities, including an Executive Order establishing the White House Initiative...

Intelligent Assessment

Preparing Multilingual Students for College

Hearing anyone discuss nonnative English speakers as if they lack something switches on Jacelyn Smallwood Ramos’s advocacy instinct. “They’re not a problem to be solved,” says Smallwood Ramos, an assistant English professor at the University of Puerto Rico in Bayamón. “Students must know that their native language fluency has been valuable from the start and will be valuable to...

Preparing Multilingual Students for College

Hearing anyone discuss nonnative English speakers as if they lack something switches on Jacelyn Smallwood Ramos’s advocacy instinct. “They’re not a problem to be...

Being True to Form

Formative assessment is a powerful instructional strategy that plays a crucial role in the education of English learners (ELs) and multilingual learners (MLs). When...

Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx...

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Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx of diverse learners is entering the K–12 system, and the urgency of strengthening equity in education for culturally and linguistically diverse learners cannot be overstated. It is not a “nice to have” approach but a...

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Preparing Multilingual Students for College

Hearing anyone discuss nonnative English speakers as if they lack something switches on Jacelyn Smallwood Ramos’s advocacy instinct. “They’re not a problem to be...

Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx...

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Strengthening SoR-Based Instruction Using On-Demand, AI Coaching

Teachers need ongoing training and easy access to effective instructional content and strategies in order to implement the science of reading (SoR) best practices...

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Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx of diverse learners is entering the K–12 system, and the urgency of strengthening equity in...

Administration Boosts HSIs

Reflective Reading

Make a Plan for Oracy

Language Magazine