Covering 4,300 km (2,700 miles) of the western coast of South America, Chile is situated between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. From the Atacama Desert to Cape Horn, Chile has a diverse range of climates and geographies making it the perfect place for the adventurous traveler. With rolling farmland, lush vineyards, world-class ski resorts, sandy white beaches, and a fertile river valley, there is much to explore.
The country was colonized by Spain in the 16th century, so many of Chile’s people are mestizos, or descendants from the marriages between Spanish settlers and indigenous groups, such as the Aymara and the Mapuche. Chile also received many immigrants from other European countries. Spanish has remained the official language while some native languages are still spoken. Although it is only just celebrating 20 years of democracy, it has a thriving economy. This famous 2009-mile strip of land, sandwiched by the Pacific Ocean to the West and the Andes to the East, offers geographic diversity rivaled by few other nations. From the frozen tip of Patagonia to the arid, hot Atacama Desert, through all the temperate landscapes, jaw-dropping beaches, and hazy wine regions in between, Chile keeps its visitors mesmerized with natural beauty and cultural wealth. Chile also boasts some of the best universities in Latin America.
Students who love the extremes, or those who are content with a beautiful sunset and a good bottle of Cabernet will add value to their Spanish-immersion experience in Chile. Aside from the offerings of the land, the Chilean people possess a rich literary tradition, a bittersweet national history, and an exciting culinary scene.
Chile’s strength relies on high quality education services and the prestige it has abroad, particularly within Latin America; the country’s secure and stable political, economic and social environment; and the diversity of educational programs on offer at universities with wide international networks.
Featured School: Tandem Santiago Escuela de Idiomas

Over 30 years teaching Spanish in Chile, awarded by and recognized as quality by Tandem International© and ACHELE, test center for SIELE and DELE exams issued by Instituto Cervantes, recognized by Bildungsurlaub in Germany and CSN scholarships in Sweden, tailor-made programs, Spanish immersion courses including cultural and social activities, excursions, day trips, and tours, with different lodging alternatives.
Escuela Bellavista

The school offers classes in Valparaiso, Pichilemu, Pucón, Concepción. Our aim is that you and the teachers speak only in Spanish in class, so we try not to use other languages in the classroom and this stimulates the student to start thinking in Spanish.