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Grant Opportunity: GAR’s Educator Initiative Grant (EIG) Program

GAR’s Educator Initiative Grant (EIG) Program is an annual program separate and distinct from the foundation’s regular grant-making in the area of education. ...

Personalize Literacy and Language Instruction with OverDrive E-Books and Audiobooks

OverDrive offers teachers an ever-growing collection of tools for literacy and language instruction and access to an extensive digital library of e-books and audiobooks....

Second Edition of New Ways in Teaching Speaking

TESOL Press, the publishing division of TESOL International Association, recently released the much-anticipated second edition of the New Ways in Teaching Speaking. Edited by Julie Vorholt,...

Helpful Resources for Preservice and In-Service Teachers and Academics

Routledge’s books for K–12 world language teachers include The World Language Teacher’s Guide to...

Transitioning to Standards-Based Classrooms

In A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning, published by Marzano Research, authors Tammy Heflebower,...

Prereading: Priming the Pump

Have you ever read a book and laughed out loud? Has a book or other text ever made you cry, get angry, or feel...

Have Fun Learning

If kids are having fun while learning a language, it is much more likely they will enjoy it and want to keep learning. One...

Scientific Explorations of Inquiry

Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers in Middle School: Using Nonfiction to Promote Science Literacy couples the Common Core Standards of middle school science with the...

Building Strong Readers

Starting Strong is a practical resource for preservice instructors and experienced professionals of early-development classrooms looking for ways to more effectively build foundational literacy...

Spanish Resources

Some free online resources for Spanish teachers Teachers’ blogs: Miscositas www.miscositas.com Lori Langer de Ramirez offers a plethora of resources for Spanish teachers: Thematic curriculum units with...

Assessment for Project-Based Learning

Defined Learning has launched its latest extension to Defined STEM, the new Portfolio Assessment Manager, which is designed to help teachers grade project-based assignments...

Libros In Español

Libros In Español is a new online bookstore for Spanish-Language titles in the U.S. to connect authors and readers. Its mission is to bring...

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Language Magazine